Hey everyone before i start this all off im sorry my spelling is bad and my wording is not the best and
also to added to this we both in the same place but different companys

Sometime in March she asked me if she can go out with the girls on 4th of march i said yeah thats fine have a good night..

On Monday 6th i told her i was going out on Easter weekend on the Saturday with that lads as my work is closed on the sunday and it’s the only night were everyone will come out, she asked if it is lads only i said more the likely she said ok..

Then Tuesday come.. She was saying things like i cant sleep and i have things on my mind

I get into work Tuesday around 3.30pm to get my cup to make a cup of tea before starting 4pm everyone saying your lass is not happy with you with having a lads night out

I wanted to just add she had done this before having me making and night out she has kick out at me and invite her friends are my work lads girlfriends

I have told her we may not go out as much with being on different shift, days off but we can still go for dinner at work are when were both free go for meal are what ever

I feel like i cant do my own thing without looking like im a bad guy

tl,dr: im unsure what to do at this point any help

  1. Just trying to get an understanding, you let her hang out with her friends whenever she pleases but she’s not comfortable with you hanging out with your friends?

    Has she ever communicated that she’s not okay with the group your spending time with?

    Relationships go both ways, if shes not comfortable giving you the same amount of freedom, break up.

  2. You just need to sit down and chat with her.

    What are hers and your expectations on how to deal with socializing and being a couple.

    It’s important to socialize, spend time as a couple and have alone time. Finding a nice balance means having a conversation about it and working together to make something that works.

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