15f talking to 15m.

I met a boy I was in a school play with and asked him to my school dance. He seemed shy but we talked a lot in school. In that 4 week time period I met another guy in my weekend comedy class (he goes to a different HS.) We really “meshed” and he kept asking me who I liked and if he was in the comedy class. It seemed obvious he liked me. I did like the guy I had asked to the dance but I couldn’t tell if he liked me — he didn’t really respond to my subtle flirting with anything other than being his normal happy and polite self. So, I tried avoiding all questions from comedy class guy and thought ok I’ll find out what’s what at the dance. But, he and I texted constantly and kind of flirty in a general way too.

So finally we went to the dance and the boy treated me perfectly but I didn’t feel a spark from him. He didn’t try to hold my hand or anything and it was only polite texting afterwards.

The very next day due to bad communication the comedy class guy and I ended up showing up at a cancelled class so spent 4 hours walking around town, went to the library, hung at the park. I think he may have made a few subtle passes like if I wanted to rest my head in his shoulder because I was sitting leaning against a cement wall and my head hurt…but I was still trying to decide if I wanted to give up on dance guy.

I got home and decided I really did actually like comedy guy and that the dance guy and I really didn’t have much in common besides being friends in school. So I told comedy class guy I liked him. He said “I knew it!” and said he felt the same and asked me why I didn’t say anything earlier; I said I’d been scared and he said me too.

A couple days later, knowing the next Sunday we wouldn’t be alone but would be with the others in comedy class I asked him if he’d want to do something that week. He couldn’t (and long explanation but I knew that was the truth) and said “Well maybe the next week…and we know how we feel about each other but Idk if i’m ready for a relationship yet as my last one was rocky and it messed me up.” I was hurt but said yeah we could maybe go as more than friends but not dating (after all we only just found out we like each other.) And he said he’d like that.

So that week the teasing and flirting kind of petered out but we still text every day a bit. Sunday came and class got cancelled again! 🙁 We knew about it, made a plan to meet anyway – he asked if I invited anyone else and that we’d have fun either way. I couldn’t tell if he wanted to be alone or not but I did say I hadn’t talked to anyone else. He said he was pumped. But then, that morning he cancelled bc of a migrane (I know for a fact he gets them.) So I asked a few others to meet me and we all walked around.

Now, there’s a fish fry friday at his church and I know he goes every year and my family does too on and off. I want to tell him I’m coming but I feel like maybe he won’t come if I am because I feel like if he’s already not texting me as much, maybe he isn’t into me. Or maybe it’s because we haven’t seen each other since we said we like each other.

But who goes through all that trouble to see if someone likes them just to fade away? And why say you like someone if you don’t want a relationship? I know I’ll see him Sunday but I want insight into this so I know how to act between now and then! I’m shy when it comes to guys and now I wish I’d just answered his question or flirted back and told him in person when I had a chance :’( He definitely was flirty in text for a couple of days until that conversation about a relationship. Is it so bad that I simply asked him to hang out after school?

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