So one of my biggest pet peeves is someone asking me for my snap when I’m trying to get to know them and enter the talking stage. Like how do I explain this to someone without sounding like a jerk?

I just feel like for me personally asking for someone’s snap is super high school mindset..

  1. I am the same and my response is always “I’m an adult..I don’t use snapchat”…PERIOD

  2. I don’t bother explaining personally, I just take it as a sign that we’re not compatible. I’m not going to date an adult that uses Snapchat.

  3. Just tell them you don’t have Snapchat and if they ask why at that point be a jerk because why does a grown ass adult (that isn’t an influencer) have Snapchat?

  4. I delete them, I am not available to connect that way. 100% of OLD and Snapchat have resulted in receiving unwanted porn in various forms

  5. Hi, I have a bit of context that might help you see it from another perspective, I’m 29F.

    I don’t use much social media (I have Instagram to post pictures related to work, not to chat) and I’m trying to be healthy about my social media use in general.

    I don’t give out my number unless I’m dating someone (due to safety reasons)

    For me, I always move the conversation to snapchat when I like someone and want to know then better. I have used for 10 years, it’s a good app and doesn’t force me to look at other people’s pics (like Instagram, for example.)

    There is this added bonus of being able to tell if someone is a catfish or not.

    And all my friends chat to me on that app, so it means I don’t have to go back and forth to something else just to chat with someone I don’t know well yet.

    TL;DR it’s not just an app for immature people that want to sext, there are plenty of late 20s/mature women and men that use it as a safe and comfortable app to chat to people.

  6. What’s Snapchat? Too many shit like that I can’t keep up .. assume like TikTok

  7. I don’t offer my phone number until after a bit of chatting and at least one date. Snapchat is easy. But there’s other messaging apps. Offer an alternative.

  8. Just say it. Save yourself the trouble. It’s hot to stand up for what you really want. Snap chat is not something everyone likes. It is a turn off for me. I met someone who felt the same and we are getting married. I met ppl who tried to snap me all the time and dodged a bullet. If I met a guy and I liked him, and he didn’t want to communicate through snap chat but pretended he didn’t mind it, I would think it was way more respectable that he just told me he wanted to communicate in a real way.

  9. 31M here. Snapchat to me is a red flag, so I agree with you on that. If you don’t feel comfortable with it then tell them you don’t use it, and give options of platforms you’re more comfortable with.

  10. As a guy that’s why I always say something along the lines of “I don’t know which one you’re most comfortable with sharing because I know all girls are different, but I’d love to get your number. If you aren’t comfortable with sharing that, then I’m cool with Snapchat or even Instagram.

  11. You can use KIK or Telegram as well. I don’t use Snapchat either and I don’t like to give out my phone number to people I don’t know.

  12. Hey, tell you what. If you laugh at all my corny jokes, I’ll snap you. But you need to laugh at all of them on the next date.

    And just nag him/her with this until they give up.

  13. I agree with you fully. I always decline Snapchat but offer up alternatives. Those who ghost from there I usually assumed just wanted nudes or had something to hide. Snapchat has such a horrible layout for getting to know someone.

    I’d say something along the lines of “I’m not on Snap but I have messenger or insta if either of those suit you? Or happy to keep chatting here 🥰”

    It’s polite but makes it clear it’s not an option.

  14. Just say you don’t use snapchat. That doesn’t mean you don’t have it, you just don’t use it. And honestly, I take someone using snapchat as a red flag lol so I’m more bold with it and say like sorry I’m not 12 and still use snapchat

  15. i’m with you on the high school mentality omg. in my experience, the people who ask for snap right away are looking for one thing, and that thing is not a healthy, long-term, monogamous relationship. not even worth explaining it (unless they ask, of course) tbh

  16. “Sorry, I don’t have snapchat, here’s my number instead…..”.

    If you (or they) don’t feel comfortable giving out your real number, download a Google Voice number.

  17. I always ask for men’s snapchat just because I want to know who they are/what they look like actually matches what they are portraying on dating sites. You can only keep up the act for so long when you have to send a picture with every message.

  18. Why do you have Snapchat if you don’t want to give it out to someone you might consider dating? I guess you can say you don’t have one or delete it yourself

  19. Just say you don’t use it. No one uses it for anything except naked pics these days anyway.

  20. You don’t have to apologize. Snapchat can become just another time sucker in your life. I don’t know about you, but I have neither the time nor interest to be ‘on call’ every second of my life.

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