I have starting writing down things that I would like to improve on in 2023. However I start off quite well and then eventually I just fall off and lose focus. And this has been further contributing to my decreasing lack of confidence in myself to stay the course and get things done. Im scared that all of these setbacks will accumulate and lead to thoughts that are so negative, I might start hurting myself

Any tips??

  1. Discipline > Motivation …..motivation is a feeling that cannot be relied on. Discipline is stick to the plan no matter what or how you feel. Example: im going to run for 30 mins ever morning at 6am. So you run every morning at 6am. Period. Tired, not tired, sore, or not feeling it….doesnt matter. You go do it.

  2. Break your list down into short-term goals. It’s a lot easier to maintain discipline and motivation with a series of wins.


    Long term goal: Get into shape.

    Short term goal: Pick a workout plan and stick to it for one month.

  3. I think the first step if often making sure you don’t treat yourself poorly or get into a spiral of shame and self-defeat when you *don’t* do these things, or get as close to a goal as you’d hoped, or change your mind about what those goals are.

  4. The cold hard truth is that there is not secret to discipline – just do the thing.

  5. There’s no secret sauce or trick. At some point, you have to just *do* the thing, no matter how badly you don’t want to. That’s what discipline is.

    There are little things you can do, like keeping to a regular schedule, finding a way to reward yourself for meeting goals, or getting a buddy/group to hold each other accountable. But no matter what you try, in the end it’s you vs yourself. You have to defeat the bad habits and unhelpful voices in your own head.

  6. You only need enough motivation to create a habit. Make a plan and do that plan first thing in the morning. After a few weeks you should be in the habit and actually feel anxious if you’re not workin on your to do list.

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