So I’m 18, still young and single (scb). For every guy that tried to ask me out I either act mean to them so they’ll lose their feelings towards me or say that they’re too good for me. Whenever i get feelings towards someone, I get terrible mindset to the point where I’ll tell myself that I’m too ugly and stupid to be loved, that they don’t deserve a person like me or that someone is better than me, resulting of me giving up right away.

But I do have dating apps, 3 dating apps. I only open them whenever i feel jealous of my friends being in a relationship. I don’t do first moves, i actually hate doing the first move. But whenever a guy dm me from a dating app, I’ll ghost them if they’re not my type. If I did reply back, I’ll get bored to the point where I’ll think that relationships are meaningless so why be in one. Oh, and I don’t fall that easily to a person, something like i “like” you but not “love” you, but more of the “like”.

It’s like i wanna be in a relationship just to say that I’m IN a relationship.


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