I love the fact of stretching my wife’s pussy and watching bigger more girth than me! I’d never ever be a part of someone sleeping with my wife or doing any of that shit but I love stretching her out! I usually get three fingers in easily but I’m salivating thinking about her being more receptive!

  1. What does she want? I hear a lot about your kink. What does she want to do? What are you doing to make this enjoyable for her?

  2. go and live in her pussy, make sure to carry enough supplies for your stay. this way you get the first class seat to watch stretch out her pussÿ.

  3. You talk to her about it first, if she is receptive to the idea, then you can proceed.

    You might choose to watch porn on the subject, if she likes. You can start with hands or large dildos, whatever she is comfortable with. Invest in long lasting lube and be liberal. Get her nicely aroused first so her vagina is ready.

    She might be more comfortable with being in control and you just watching.

    Constant communication and feedback is always good

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