First post on Reddit, been strictly a lurker til now. But I (23F) met this guy (24M) at a fast food place at like 1am after the bars back in December. He was wearing a shirt I recognized so I started talking to him about it, and he asked me for my number at the end of our conversation. We texted a little that night and I actually ended up going over to his place to hookup with him (we were drunk and horny). I was actually planning to “soft ghost” him, I only saw him as a one night stand, but he kept texting me and I kept responding. Come February, he had texted me a week ago and I finally decided to respond and try to meet up with him. We met at a bar that night and ended up hooking up again. That next morning, he told me he could see us going on a date, and I said “hmm okay I think so too” so then a few days later (on Valentine’s Day) he asked me out for that Thursday. But then Thursday came and he cancelled because he was sick. We got together that weekend (I was drunk, texted him and met at his place to hook up), then the next night he asked to watch a movie with me at my place so we did. Then, the next weekend I SO TERRIBLY drunk texted him a lot but he was a good sport and told me he thought it was funny. The next weekend I reached out to him again and met him at a bar, he introduced me to his friends, and then we went home together. He always compliments me and is such a lover boy when we’re together, but then I get barely any texts from him… during the week is fine to not get texts because we both have jobs, but it feels like he’s slowed down in reaching out to me. It might just be because I’m reaching out before h has the chance to though. Last thing that happened is that I asked him what he’s doing on Saturday night and he never responded.

I’m so sorry this is so long! Just freaking out a bit. He seems 100% head over heels into me when we are together, but when we’re not I get radio silence.

1 comment
  1. Really sounds like a Friends with Benefits situation. You only communicate to plan hook ups. You only meet where alcohol is present. If a FWB isn’t what you want, don’t hook up with him again until you’ve had a proper date.

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