literally rlly hope he doesn’t have reddit but imma try to be vague

My(18f) best friend(18m) and I have known each other since elementary school, and throughout the years we’ve always had crushes on each other, we became close in highschool but we always had crushes at the wrong time. He liked me when I was in relationships, and vice versa. Now he’s in college and we’re in the same city, we’re still very close.

My ex broke up with me when I moved here because long distance didn’t work, and because he didn’t have the same goals in life and want to go the same places as I do. My bestie and I have always had the same dreams, without ever even influencing each other, we just have the same idea of how we want our futures to go and we want to do it together. We’ve always talked about, like, getting married if we’re not already when we’re a certain age.

So neither of us have been in relationships for a while, and I’m moving away soon and I don’t know how long I’ll be gone so I don’t know when I’ll see him again. I told him that we should kiss and just see if it feels right and he said he’s not opposed but he seemed hesitant. Ever since then, he’s been bringing it up a lot and rlly seems like he wants to. He even said “Why haven’t we kissed yet?”

(NSFW) I’ve been staying at his place for a few days, and we’ve always just slept in the same bed since we were younger but lately we’ve really been cuddling. Well, a few times while we were cuddling, he got a boner. Like, I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but there’s no doubt that’s what it was. Neither of us ever said anything about it and we kept cuddling. It honestly kinda turned me on. He was telling me how he wants a girlfriend and he’s never done anything with a girl(he’s bi) and I honestly think we are both really attracted to each other.

BUT I’m literally moving and idk when I’m going to see him again. I know we will because we always find our way back to each other, but idk how long it will be. I’m not sure if I should kiss him or what’s even going to happen because we have been best friends for like 5 years and we’re inseparable but I don’t want anything to ruin that. We always talk about how we’re in love but idk if it’s platonic or not. Soo… yeah . Any advice is appreciated.

TL;DR My bestie of 5 years and I are probably in love with each other, but I’m not sure if either of us know whether or not it’s platonic. I’m moving away, soon, though and I don’t know what to do.

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