I went out on a day on Friday and had an amazing time. We texted the next day but was radio silence till today (Wednesday). I wanted a bit of space to let all my feelings marinate and see if I really liked this person, also to have my space to continue focusing on myself and what I have going on in my life. I also like it as a test/pre cursor of neediness. It’s only been one date, frequent texting shouldnt be expected right ?

I did call (no answer) and shoot a text today, making plans for the weekends. She hasnt responded but I feel attraction may have dwindled. I’ve had this happen once before with another interest. Is it so bad to go a few days without texting? Why can’t there be space to miss each other and let things flow. I did miss her but I didnt want to be asking how was your day everyday, that’s just very stale and boring to me. I like to text logistics and make plans. Meeting and enjoying each other face to face should be the only thing that matters..or am I trippin ?

  1. Unless she’s your wife or girlfriend, the phone is for setting dates.

  2. This is a pretty immature take on your end. A person liking daily text communication does not indicate they would be a needy partner.

    Yes, she probably interprets it as a lack of real interest on your end. I know I would. It would be different if you had let her know after your date on Friday that you would reach out to her the following week to make plans, but it sounds like you left the date without stating that, so she went days thinking you weren’t interested. Now at this point she’s probably not too interested in going on a second date

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