I have clinical OCD and am very well groomed. I had recently been having lots of issues with rashes under my arms. I had tried everything, and once I started shaving them the rashes went away and there’s a lot less moisture.

I feel a lot more cleanly and it eliminated the issue I’d had.

If you liked a guy and found out he removed his armpit hair and gave you that explanation, how much of a potential turn-off would it be?

  1. If your shaved armpits was part of your personality then you’ll be known as armpit man and that’s very unattractive. So if you go through like acting like it’s not a thing then sure it’s cool

  2. Not at all, but I would assume he wouldn’t appreciate my hairy kitty

  3. As a woman I prefer not to shave my armpits. If anyone has a problem with it even after explaining the reason for it (if you feel the need to) says more about them than you. You do you and do what works for you/feels good. There will be someone who understands and is not turned off by it.

  4. Me, absolutely not a problem. I think it’s gonna vary between like the shaven look, don’t mind either way, and actively dislike the shaven pits or think it’s weird.

    Sorry that’s not very helpful. But I’d guess the ‘actively dislike’ category as easily the minority.

  5. I shave mine never had a woman complain , armpit hair personally is disgusting anyway it’s good to be well groomed women appreciate it

  6. I think the act of justifying it has more potential to turn a women off, than the shaved armpits themselves. Own it! I shave mine, too, just to feel less stinky.

    If she doesn’t like shaved armpits, no explanation is going to change that. And changing your habit, bending to her wish, will only make you look like an indecisive fool. In fact, sticking to your habit and being stoically unaffected by her criticism, is way hotter than hairy armpits.

  7. I trim mine down all the way and have never heard any complaints. If women are into hair, they mostly want it on a guys chest more than anything.

  8. I would not care even enough to remark upon it or need an explanation. I would find it strange if you made it into a big thing. You don’t really need to defend your personal grooming preferences.

  9. Why would you even need to explain that to a woman? Do you have to explain to a woman why you do or do not shave other parts? Seems you’re just seeking others approval and honestly no one would really care if you do or don’t. Just my opinion

  10. Are you going on dates shirtless or sleeveless?

    Most won’t even notice one way or another, but you talking about it might. It’s not like she will inspect your whole body, find hairless armpits and declare you undatable? Also I don’t think women having a fetish for armpit hair exist and if it does there aren’t very many of them.

    If they saw a rash, that might raise lots of concern more so than hairless pits.

  11. Depends on the woman. Me personally I want a man who has hair under his arms but that’s my personal preference.

  12. It’s not a turn off and I wouldn’t ask for an explanation? Like who cares

  13. I would assume he doesn’t like body hair on women. Like I would assume he wants a hairless woman.

  14. I wouldn’t try to explain it. If she asks you can just say you like it. Just a personal example: a girl I slept with (very sweet girl btw), wanted me to explain myself about being inexperienced. I feel like that’s even three steps further than explaining arm pit hair. I just told her: “no, I don’t want to. Is everything ok right now?”, and we continued with sex. Like even then, when I am very vulnerable, I could and would choose to tell or not to tell based on what I wanted to share.

    Btw: it’s ok to shave. If that’s a turnoff for someone, I feel like the problem is with them (I have never rejected someone based on their arm pits).

  15. I don’t think it’s anything someone would even notice, or at least care. I would assume it’s just a personal preference.

  16. Hell dude. I wouldnt even justify it. Id just do it.

    I know dudes that shave all their body hair off. Its what they do.. i dont shave my chest or belly off and they do.

    I dont think any of them even explain or justify their choice to women. its just part of their personal hygiene.

    Infact. Not explaining it might help you. I wouldnt even bring it up.

    Discovery is better then disclaimer.(usually. Obviously if its really big thing it doesnt apply)

  17. I(34/F) personally wouldn’t care, especially with the explanation. My boyfriend has virtually no body hair naturally. The first time I saw his thighs and they were smoother than mine I was like hmm…. And then never thought about it again. Just be yourself!

  18. I shave/trim my body hair to reduce the stank and because it’s easier to maintain hygiene. Never had any complaints, a few people have asked why, and the answer is always acceptable to them.

    Shouldn’t be an issue at all.

  19. I don’t like armpit hair, either none or short is a turn on. A full bush there is a huge turn OFF for me.

  20. People who accept you for who you are are worth your time (Barring that you’re not a dick). If shaved armpits are a deal breaker then I’d move on; some people do have preferences but its up to you if you want accomodate.

  21. I personally don’t care if a man shaved his armpits. Better for me, I don’t have to lay on sweaty and hairy armpits when I want to cuddle.

  22. I personally would not care at all. I wouldn’t even need an explanation or care if someone did or didn’t shave theirs.

  23. My questions are:

    1) Do people actually care about armpit hair (Besides when it’s absolutely out of control)

    2) Since when are people even looking at your armpit hair (Besides when wearing tank top)

    3) How tf do people tell when armpit hair is shaved or not?
    4) Why would shaving it be a bad thing?

  24. Yes. Actually this happened with the man I met before my current… on our 3rd date, he started talking about how he shaved his armpits and legs. I was immediately turned off. I like a manly man with hair on his body. Shaving is much too feminine for my taste. I told him that I met someone who I felt a better connection with and ended it.

  25. i prefer men to shave their armpits. my first boyfriend did this and it was wonderful then coincidentally my second boyfriend did as well. now my currently boyfriend is sooo hairy but i make him trim them

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