We cannot coexist if you adhere to it.

When people ask me what my sign is and I tell them to guess, that’s my favorite thing. One woman made incorrect guesses eight times before bursting into the predictable “omg it makes so much sense…I knew it!” Always good for a laugh.

  1. Astrology was the beginning of one of the natural sciences. Give credit, where credit is due. But there is a reason, we use astronomy now.

    We know better now.. the effects of stars/planets have no significant influence on us. Our beliefs do, but not the cosmic objects that move around us. I mean.. after long enough time, the stars will have drifted enough to not be signs anymore anyway. Everyone and everything is always changing and moving. What makes them think they could predict anything, because of stars and planets? So it baffles me how many think that way..

  2. Who cares. It ain’t that serious. If it makes her happy and its a conversation starter.. discuss.. pick each others brains.. doesn’t sound like a serious relationship anyways.. enjoy the date. And have fun.

  3. You are right to avoid these types. Astrology is incredibly old and shady. It’s like being into psychics and tarot cards. These people are relying on an alternative pseudoscience to mask something deeper.

  4. Haha ya same for me, lose interest instantly unless I have a thing for her.
    Recently someone brought up a God from some other country into topic lmao.
    But still trying, with her. Haha

  5. >When people ask me what my sign is and I tell them to guess, that’s my favorite thing. One woman made incorrect guesses eight times before bursting into the predictable

    Next time, just give them an a fake birthday in a different month than your real month. And tell them you don’t know what sign that is. They’ll know which one it is. And then they’ll go on and make all kinds of observations about how you fit that sign. Always a good time. 🙂

  6. Not much annoys me more than the prevalence of astrology in our society. Why is something that is factually pseudoscience thrown in our faces like it matters? I cannot comprehend how people actually use it to make decisions and form opinions. Believe in a religion (I’m agnostic) for all I care, at least a lot of them can’t be proven incorrect (though rational thinking would tell you whatever religion you follow probably isn’t true). I think people inherently want to see patterns to explain the world in front of them and are too lazy or stupid to find something better than astrology. I could keep going, but rant over lol.

  7. Most women use astrology to weed out men that are like you and can’t accept the fact that women are into different things than men. They know it’s not actually serious but rather a fun topic to discuss.

  8. Before I ask a woman out, I would always ask about her views on astrology. If her view was anything BUT “astrology is bullshit” I would not ask her out.

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