what’s the best quote you know?

  1. Never whistle while you’re Pissing.

    Means keep your attention in the job at hand.

  2. “It’s not about the cards you are dealt, it’s how you play them” Jack London.

  3. Hard Choices – Easy Life. Easy Choices – Hard Life.

    I think of this everytime I’m not in the mood to work out, work hard at work etc.

  4. My dad always had the best. The one I quote most often is either

    “It’s not who’s gonna help you, or let you, it’s who’s gonna stop you”


    “There’s two kinds of men in this world, men you hit, and men you find something to hit em with. Sometimes that’s a car.”

  5. Don’t worry if you can’t discipline yourself, because life will do it for you.

  6. There’s no single best but for this sub

    “A man who is wrong about power doesn’t get a chance to to be right about anything else” – idk who.

    “Shame shame shame, shame is the whole history of man” – Nietzsche

    “Happiness is overcoming resistance” – Nietzsche

    “Trust no idea that isn’t born in the open air, with all muscles engaged” – Nietzsche (I’ve heard this written other ways though).

    “Without deprivation there can be no satisfaction” – Ori Hofmekler

    “Cat’s look better when they are a little hungry and so do you” – Ori Hofmekler.

    Both Nietzsche and Ori Hofmekler are goldmines for quotes to build think about to build ones own Intuition.

    Thus Spoke Zarathustra should be mandatory reading in schools. But it would upset the status quo. Nietzsche was one of the greatest educators of his time and gives an insight in to what it really means to be human and face the hardship of humanity without resentment. That’s why I think he’s one of the greatest genius to ever live, because to me that is the most difficult problem to overcome.

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