I suppose i post this here too..

Firstly im very lonely and have been most of my life and feel really miserable and frustrated about it…..
Im in late 20s and i basically had almost no any social life in my youth teen age and 20s. Very very lonely…. always alone

I rarely go anywhere so getting friends or finding girl who would fall in love, seems impossible and unlikely to happen….

I just dont have any place to go to where i would meet some one..

I have rarely places/events happening…. and some times like 2 times now row i could not go to these live shows because tickets were all sold out.
(Im now talking about live shows of rappers performing etc) Should have bought the tickets earlier smh….
Right now theres a event starting at this moment in night club i planned to go to… and instead im just laying here in ped trying to sleep depressed and frustrated writing this,,, again missing a big possibility to meet some one.
Same happened few weeks ago. Drived hour to see this rap show only be told at the door that all the tickets are sold and then hour back home depressed.

Theres not much of these events of my style and dont know if any will happen in many months now after this one..

These rap show events are only place where i feel like i could have a change to find friends of my kind and possibly some one who would became love of my life.
What else place and situation there is for me to socialise if not these rare genre specific events???
I cant figure anything else……

I am really in to old school hiphop so i really only go to bars and clubs when theres some rappers of that style having show and do not like to go bars and clubs other than that.
Here is no clubs or bars of this genre.. only rare shows every now and then so have to wait months.

I have really no friends or any social circle so meeting new people is really hard and rare.

Well I do have coupke friends kind of but they live in other city and other country and im so bad at being social i have no idea what to message to them although i really want to talk to them……

I just have no social skills and no idea what to say…
Im very introverted and have trouple trusting people because of some not so nice things i have experienced.

I also have no job or im not in school or such,,,, so i have no channel to meet people through and make friends and find love…….
I tried to get in to this vocational technical school for photography but of course i was not chosen as always…….

I have hobbies but no social hobby..

I just always wanted to have couple friends in my life i can hang out with and find some nice girl yo fall love with… but my youth just flew through my eyes alone………
It feels horrible and im not sure how long i can handle this anymore…..
Some say you will get used to be alone but thats bs. I have been alone most of my life and now in my late 20s i feel just as miseraple being this lonely as i was feeling 15 years ago……

All i want is couple good friends or at least one and find some nice girl to fall in love with.
Thats all i ask…..
Im very much lone wolf infj type introvert guy that likes to have own time alone,,,, but i never wanted to be this lonely.

I was very broken mentally all my life so far and that made me loose any change to have normal life….
My life is a failure……

All i wish is just that i find friend and love…………..

But where i could find them when i have no place to go to, no social sircle, ,,,, no any channel to meet anyone????

Im just extremely frustrated, depressed and wishing some miragle to happen and find some one…..

I cant take this life long lonelines anymore and im pushed in edge of,, well you may quess what……..

1 comment
  1. Hey! First you have to be willing to make friends of all ages and backgrounds. Next, work and school are places you make acquaintances, so you have to work on that. Old school hip hop like Eric B. and Rakim, Nas, Big Daddy Kane, LL, EpMD, Public Enemy etc. is the only legit hip hop I recognize so l can tell you have good taste. 😊 Don’t give up! Gotta be honest with you……no woman wants to date and fall in love with a guy that has no education and no job. You gotta get a gig. Women like to be wined and dined. Good luck. You seem like a nice guy.

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