Not totally sure what I’m looking for with this post, just mainly wanting to share my experience and get some opinions/thoughts.

I’ve known this about myself for a while but just mentioned it to a friend who responded “that’s one of the most neurodivergent things I’ve ever heard.” Which was an exaggeration, but still threw me because I’ve never seen myself as very neurodivergent (especially in that friend group.)

As the title alludes to, I tend to only use facial expressions for other people. When I’m alone, if I find something funny I don’t really smile (much) because why would I? I know it’s funny, and there’s no one around to see my smile.

If I’m talking to someone on the phone, or in the car when they’re looking away, I don’t emote much but I’ll do more audible laughs or things like that.

Additionally, I’ve often felt that I don’t usually laugh/smile as long as others. When someone tells a great joke, I’ll laugh and then stop laughing. But often it feels like other people keep laughing and I have to sit there awkwardly and maybe throw on a half smile while I wait.

Anybody have thoughts or advice on this?

  1. Well, it surely sounds neurodivergent. I do that too and i consider myself autistic and this discovery brought me great relief for some things that didn’t make sense to me before.
    Have you looked into it? Maybe do a quiz to see if sth resonates? 🙂

  2. You don’t even know how much I can relate to this. My facial expressions almost never match my feelings and for other people it’s really difficult to see how I am feeling.

  3. When I’m alone and find something funny, I certainly laugh and smile. I didn’t think it was voluntary but here we are.

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