do yall dip ur feet in ice before going to bed???? thats the only resonable option ii can think of

cause every single time i get into bed and my foot touches my wifes ITS LIKE THE ARTIC

why are yalls feet so coldits like ur dong it on purpose my wife wont tell me do yall have fuckin ice super powers or something

  1. Lmaoo it’s the opposite for me. My husband feet feels like he dipped his legs and feet in ice water 😂😂 he literally has to put a separate blanket to cover his feet to cuddle or socks

  2. My thyroid does not work. So it’s my hands and feet

    So when I’m annoyed with hubby, I will pretend I want to cuddle, but really I’m just putting my cold dead fish hands on his flanks which makes him cry and try to run lol

  3. Lmao. My wife is the same when she gets into bed. I’m a furnace and then it gets hot under the covers. So she flips them off of her usually onto me. Then I’m dripping wet with sweat because I have 2 feet of blankets stacked on me. I kick them off and then she is cold again. Mind you she keeps the ceiling fan all year round and keeps the heat at 60 degrees at night.

  4. Well, winter time furnace makes the house hot. I can’t fall asleep with hot feet.
    Option A put on a jacket go stand on the cold concrete barefoot or in the snow.
    Option B stand on ice packs.

  5. One of the best feelings is putting my icy feet on my husbands warm belly & having him cover them with his shirt & rubbing them….granted he’s squirming in discomfort but it’s much needed for me ☺️

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