So our first date went well. He asked me to see me again. Texted me a lot, having long conversations. Planned a second date.

But all of a sudden for no reason, about five days later texts take longer to respond, less pictures are sent, etc. We also got a date coming up tomorrow….

And no he’s not more busy than usual.

I understand the game, theres lots of potentials out there, and maybe he’s talking to someone new.

I don’t want to run after someone that could be no longer interested.

I also have an anxious attachment style.

I reduced my texting as well in response to this… and I will see where it goes. Am I doing the right thing? Or am I supposed to continue texting him a lot

  1. Sounds like the fun and excitement of meeting someone new has worn off and now he’s moved on to the next or could be the conversations between you two aren’t as interesting. This happens a lot in younger adults my guess is you’re in your teens if not early 20s am I right?

  2. I would not text him, the ball is in his court. I can’t explain why he is disinterested, perhaps he found someone else. If he was interested, he would have responded quicker.

    BTW, what is the status on the second date? Did you two agree on a time and place?

  3. Both of you are poor communicators. If you want to salvage this, I recommend reach out to him and communicate your needs with staying in touch between dates. No you will not be needy. You clearly want him to be engaged in conversation with you, so tell him that, and compromise what is comfortable for both of you to keep the momentum going and getting to know each other.

  4. You have a date coming up, go on the date and see how it goes and then decide if you want to see him more after that. He may just be spending time on other things now that he’s met you and knows you have a second date planned (he’s feeling pretty secure).

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