For context out of a friendship group of four, i(17f) talk to her(17f) the most like we always have sleepovers and our brothers are best friends. To be honest we only met a few months ago but we clicked really fast. I’m just sort of rethinking everything because this isnt the first time she’s been so blatantly passive aggressive.

Anyways I was asking her if she wanted me to give her a ride to school and she literally went ‘no i need one next week I’ve told u like ten times.’ She’s told me twice swear down. Obviously I didn’t want to go you literally only told me twice wtf are u snapping for because that would probably spark an argument so I just said ‘i was just double checking

Then after I said ‘i was just double checking bro wth’ she replied ‘sorry thanks for checking xx’

Literally yesterday we talked about when we use xx while texting and we both agreed we only use it as a joke or when we’re mad. And surely she remembers this conversation it was less that 24 hours ago.

I’m just sort of rethinking everything because this isnt the first time she’s been so blatantly passive aggressive. Like once I was talking about how I looked and felt really exhausted at school and she chimed in like um yeah i guess it does draw attention from your eyes? like wtf that’s such a weird comment right

What do I do? Am I just overreading? Is there a way I can confront her about she’s being so passive aggressive or nah?

I would consider dropping her as a friend but she gets along well with the other two ppl in my friendship group and i dont want unneccessary beef you know? idk maybe im the problem by just overrreading into everything

Thanks for reading- any help is appreciated!!

tl:dr friend might be being passive aggressive or I might be overreading. Considering confronting her

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