iI’m from Brazil and Pelé is unanimously the greatest Brazilian athlete of all time here, but when i say greatest i don’t necessarily mean the best, pele is considered the best but his main thing was the fact that he won 3 world cups and became a icon with the image of brazil and soccer

i know Brady is the biggest champion in us major sports, but since he is a football player he isn’t a international star mostly an American star, from point of view Michael Jordan is the face of basketball and the most famous American athlete worldwide because basketball is an international sport

But who Americans truly fell is the American icon in sports
Brady, Jordan,Muhamed ali, Michael phelps or others?

  1. Michael Jordan. He had an unbelievable brand around him. You couldn’t go 20 minutes without seeing a commercial with him in it in the 1990s. He almost had a deity like status when he was an active NBA player. He honestly easily could have been elected President in 2000.

  2. Probably Jordan is who I would pick but there’s a lot of others I wouldn’t argue with

  3. I think you could make an argument for Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, and Babe Ruth. Brady will be there once he’s been retired for awhile. Babe Ruth has a 100 year head start on him.. and a sizeable one on Ali and Jordan. But, he’s also a uniquely American icon tied to the longest running American team sport. I’m not sure (in fact, I’d doubt) whether his reach is or ever was anywhere near as far as Jordan’s or Ali’s. Ultimately, I’d probably say Jordan, because he just seems to have blown up at the perfect time where literally every person in the world knew he was the face of Nike and a sports God. Then again, Ali had the political aspect that Jordan never did. I don’t know. Hard to choose between the two.

  4. No one. Americans love to argue and we will argue anything. There’s a lot of people who say Michael Jordan couldn’t win without Pippin, people argue Babe Ruth because Babe Ruth used a corked bat he isn’t the goat of MLB. You can find a large group of Americans to argue on any player so no one can be considered unanimously the Greatest Of All Time

  5. No one is unanimous. I’d probably go with Ali, but there are people who are older than me who would never accept that because of his draft resistance.

    Arnold Palmer was loved by everyone in golf. He will always be The King.

    Edit : in thinking about it, I’d change my vote to Vin Scully. Everyone loved him.

  6. Coulda (probably woulda) been Tiger Woods until the… thing.

    International game… broke racial boundaries and arguably the best to ever play.

    But now… nah. It’s Jordan.

  7. Jesse Owens. The only athlete to personally piss off Hitler with his victory. That’s a tough act to follow.

  8. Among other great suggestions, Michael Phelps should be in the conversations. 28 Olympic medals is the highest ever by an athlete, and the next closest has 18. He has 23 Gold, which is more than the next closest has just medals.

  9. Jordan, Brady, Tiger Woods. Babe Ruth and Ali but that’s more historical shit at this point

  10. All the ones OP mentioned definitely. I’d add a few golfers Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Tiger Woods.

    But if I had to pick one I’d have to say Jordan. I would say LeBron James aswell but I’m biased as an ohioan

  11. I think this is a question that could be answered one of two ways; who was the greatest athlete in United States history – for which there will never be consensus, and who was the greatest AMERICAN athlete in the sense of reaching cultural greatness – for that I think there’s a fair case to be made for Jordan.

  12. Most people will say there isn’t a unanimous GOAT, but I think they’re forgetting one of the greats.

    In 1966, Al Bundy scored four touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk High School Panthers in the 1966 city championship game versus Andrew Johnson High School, including the game-winning touchdown in the final seconds against his old nemesis, Bubba “Spare Tire” Dixon.

  13. Michael Jordan. With Mike it has more to do with marketability though. Brady is a better, more accomplished professional athlete.

  14. If you want to go more modern you could do either Simone Biles or Serena Williams

  15. If say the USA has a lot more major sports that most countries so:
    Baseball – Babe Ruth
    Football – Joe Montana
    Hockey – maybe Mike Modano
    Swimming – Michale Phelps
    Golf – Tiger Woods or Arnold Palmer
    Basketball – Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant
    Soccer – I don’t know any
    Boxing – Mile Tyson or Muhammad Ali
    Skating – Michelle Kwan
    Cycling – Lance Armstrong

  16. Personally, I’d say Michael Phelps, Michael Jordan,.and Michael Trout. I like Mike.

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