I don’t really miss the weekly (or almost daily) partying or clubbing when I was younger. But every now and then, I will be drinking at home listening to some old tunes, and it makes me miss when I was younger and partying, when the world was my oyster. I wouldn’t mind still doing it once or twice a year, but feel kinda old for it. Maybe it is nostalgia. Do you miss it sometimes?

  1. All the time.

    Not so much clubbing, though.

    Even back in the day I much preferred going to bars than clubs.

    And yeah, I certainly try to have a big night out more than 1-2 times a year. It depends on the year but it’s generally more like 4-6 nights per year where I’d consider my behavior to qualify as proper partying.

  2. I don’t know if I do because I never did either. Now 29 and conflicted whether I should get into it or not.

  3. I do. Especially now with covid and no festivals.

    I used to have a big group of friends that went out every week and had some amazing times and memories.

    I changed and outgrew them at some point, but man those were some fun and also easy times.

    I kind of lost touch with them and feel the friendships have faded. But I do try to go to music festivals 3-4 times per year. But covid makes that impossible now.

  4. Didn’t like it when I was younger, don’t like it now that I’m older. I’ve always been the small group gatherings type, and even those were few and far apart.

  5. Never. Wasn’t really a big fan of clubs in my 20s and it sounds like torture now. I prefer gatherings with close friends, barbeques and camping these days, always have really.

  6. Yes absolutely. Wife and I used to go out dancing for and dining with friends every other weekend. Haven’t done it in about 6 months. I don’t know if it will ever open back up the way it used to be (even for things like concerts or live theatre etc that we also loved) and this thought kinda brings me down.

  7. I do sometimes. I was a pretty wild guy in my twenties. Now I’m married and a little bit mature. I miss drinking heavily with friends, doing crazy things, random hookups, drugs. Yeah man it was pretty fun. On the flip side of that, I wonder how much further in life I could be if I spent that time doing something more productive.

  8. I don’t miss feeling like crap the next morning.

    I don’t miss wondering who I have to apologize to for something I may have done the night before.

    I don’t miss all the money I wasted.

    I don’t miss any of the crazy women I met out in those situations.

    I don’t miss all the close calls with the cops.

    I don’t miss feeling like I needed chemical “lubrication” in order to feel more comfortable with myself.

  9. Never did it, so can’t miss what you didn’t have. Even today, when music is to loud, it just gets in the way of conversations, which is more valuable to me.

  10. I was never into clubbing, but I do miss the days of regularly hanging out with friends at the neighborhood bar. I wouldn’t want to do it every week (often more than once a week) like I did back then, but a couple times a month would be fun.

  11. I think what you really miss are the readily available friends, camaraderie, possibilities, optimism, energy, and the long runway into the future that being young offers.

  12. Yes sometimes. Especially when you have an awesome friend or group of friends you were having a great vibe with.

  13. I miss it because Covid put a stop to it. Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have fun. I met 50 year olds in the wee hours of the morning at a club. They were living it up.

  14. Definitely miss popping MDMA and going to raves. That shit was so fun. Drinking alcohol is overrated. I get way worse hang overs from than than any other drug….but they are all illegal. Go figure.

  15. 32 right now, I stopped partying and clubbing around 27-28 when going into clubs it just lost its purpose and sense. I felt bored and kept asking myself why I am in a place where its loud, I can’t hear myself with bunch of drunk people without being able to have a meaningful conversation with my closest ones. I go party once a year now and really don’t miss it… I replaced it with dinners, board game nights and LAN parties. However nostalgia wise, I do miss the freedom and carelessness of youth. I look at the past as I had an awesome time and now I evolved.

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