Any place online where I can try talking to women and maybe make a female friend? I have zero experience pretty much with communicating with women and would like to get some practice in.

  1. The same place and the same way you can make male friends OP. Maybe joining groups when you can talk with several people.

  2. At work. Ever since I began working at 19 where I had to interact with women on a daily basis my conversation skills improved dramatically. I’m 43 now, so chatting with women is as easy as breathing.

  3. Where I talked to guys online were usually online games, dating apps, teamspeak/discord, random chats like omegle etc. But be prepared there’s usually not as many women in there

  4. Take up a beginner/rec sport. Join a book club or special interest group. Volunteer somewhere.

  5. Instead of looking online, how about practice in real life? Every day and everywhere. Small talk.

    The cashier. Bank teller. Your bartender. The lady sitting next to you on the train or bus who made eye contact multiple times. The women volunteering with you at church, shelters, food banks, or other non-profit events. Your neighbor walking their dog.

    You have countless opportunities. Women are everywhere. Be polite and respectful.

  6. Try getting on a dating app. I know bumble has a BFF mode if you’re looking to just be friends. If you want practice in talking to women in general, try hinge.

  7. I’m going to rule out hobbies since yours is male focused. You can use and see if there are any groups with similar interests. This is a good way for meeting people who have similar hobbies.

    The next best thing you can do is strike a conversation casually, and naturally. While waiting in line at a coffee shop, in line at a grocery store, etc. I sometimes talk to people while picking out groceries and we’re both there staring at the different kinds of beans, meat, etc.

    Ultimately though you just have to do it, but also learn social ques and when to walk away, or when someone is closed off (I.e headphones on, arms folded, hurrying from spot to spot, etc)

  8. Anywhere too keep it simple but of course people love to over complicate things so places where you feel most comfortable.


    – Social networking events
    – Comic event
    – Gym
    – Well known parks

    You can strike a convo with someone strictly off your Curiosity.


    Shopping in target & I see a women checking out lotion. I go & ask her if the lotion is any good. Bang convo, may not lead to anything but thats practice.

  9. Gonna be honest, online won’t do much for you. Your brain is never going to make the connections that it’s a woman and that talking to women isn’t that bad if you do it all online. Same reason why people with loads of online social connections but little to no IRL friends suck socially even though they talk online all the time. We need that visual and that experience of actually being there.

    You’re gonna have to do it in person.

    Starbucks is a good starting point. Usually has a good share of women working there. And im not suggesting you go there and start brazenly hitting on some poor barrista you barely know. Literally just go there to talk to them. Ask them how their day was. Get to know them. Let them get to know you. You probably won’t get to date any of them. Who knows though maybe you will, despite what reddit likes to scream about that stuff does happen sometimes. And that’s okay the goal isn’t necessarily to do that right now. It’s just to get you used to talking with women, face to face.

  10. Find a place to volunteer. I assure you, it’ll skew more female. Talk to them. You could end up meeting a good hearted woman in the process.

  11. My advice is, no joke, go on Omegle or use games like Rec Room and VRChat. It’s actually helped me a good bit, and there’s no awkwardness or “I might see them again” feeling since it’s just over the internet

  12. Go out to a hooters and talk to the waitresses. They are nice and good looking, and if you can talk to them in their outfits, it becomes easier to talk to girls in normal clothing. Just be sure you leave a good tip.

  13. Nearly every suggestion if not all of them so far you have had a reason it wouldn’t work.

    It feels like it isn’t lack of opportunity that’s your problem. More a negative mindset.

  14. From your friends i would day is the best way. So.etimes you also need to just go for it and try.

  15. Do it in *real life*. Talk to any woman you find attractive. Tell her you find her attractive. I met a stunning Brazilian lady on the tube on Saturday. Sat next to her. Simply said hi with a smile. She did the same. I told her she looked great. She said “thanks, that’s so kind of you” with a grin. I asked her name, gave her mine. Simple conversation about where she’s from, how she’s finding London. Small steps, just go from there. The hardest part is saying hi in the first place. Just start from there.

  16. Start by listing what you’re interested in.

    What are your top 10 activities that you like to do?

  17. Try talking to women wherever you see them. At work, at the grocery store, the library, anywhere.

    I am one of the rare guys who has zero anxiety with talking to women, especially the beautiful ones. I worked with them in television, I hired them all the time, and after a while it became so easy. I was so used to talking to the most beautiful women that more average women or even pretty women didn’t make me the least bit nervous.

    So what do you say? I always liked to give a compliment on what caught my attention. Is she wearing particularly fashionable clothes? Tell her you like her style, that those are very fashionable clothes. She has perfect eyebrows, tell her her eyebrows are amazing and ask if she does them herself or gets them professionally done. If she does them herself tell her she’s great at it. If she says she gets them professionally done tell her she found the right person to do it because they are great.

    You would be amazed how few of beautiful women actually get compliments, sincere compliments with nothing behind it. Most men are afraid to talk to them and they appreciate it. They put in the work on it just like any other woman did, and they don’t get complimented on it often.

    Especially if you are in a relationship or married, as I am, then it made the practice all the easier, because I didn’t care to get anywhere with the woman. I simply wanted to pay a complement and have conversation. In the workplace, I now speak with these women all on a regular basis, I know if they have children I know some of their favorite hobbies I like talking to them and they like talking to me.

    To practice breaking the ice with a new stranger, you can occasionally find an opportunity open up at the grocery store or other place if you are standing in line. Her basket has 12 boxes of Cheetos? You can say “man, someone in your household loves Cheetos.” It’s as simple as that. Have a smile, let your humor out, and most of all have confidence because there are no life and death consequences from having such a conversation.

    And usually you can sense the energy if they don’t feel like being approached. If they are quiet and looking off into space, you may open up an unexpected warmth out of them. If they blow you off or uninterested, you can just turn around and resume putting your groceries on the checkout.

    I am married and not looking for anything outside of it, so all of my discussions are just extended practice and fun. I’m an extrovert, so I simply enjoy talking to men and women when an opportunity presents. But if you make a practice of doing this, occasionally there will be some chemistry and connection and you can ask them out if you were not in a relationship. You will find it very easy to break the ice with anyone.

  18. Join irl group if you can like volunteering then you can show your character and the girl won’t feel uncomfortable that you are around them because you guys doing the same thing.

    Do activities in the community or classes like dancing or something which help you to meet girls organically. Clubs can feel too much and you might not meet the best type of people.

    Also, you could volunteer at the library which is quiet and you meet ladies at events at the library. Or you could join support group and might meet someone there but it allow you grow at the same time.

    I personally won’t recommend online because I would run of ideas to chat with new person and plus it boring after while for me. I like to be in person since they will see me for I am since tinder or apps you need try too hard to get reply.

    Sometimes online works but you need do activities with anyone if you want get close with them because talking alone can be boring.

  19. If you go to sporting events, try there. Some of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet

  20. Shopping mall, particularly somewhere like a men’s warehouse, at 2 pm on a Tuesday. You’re doing some comparison shopping for an outfit or something along those lines. Having worked dead-end retail jobs, there are certain times of the day where you’re grateful just to have somebody to talk to, regardless of if you buy something or not. Amazon has done a wonderful job of decreasing traffic there. They’re being paid to be nice to you, you’re exercising by walking around, and your only goal is to try and make them laugh to brighten their day. Everybody wins! Helped me tremendously.

  21. Take a look at events in your community like art or dance classes, volunteer opportunities, trail or bike races, craft beer or wine festivals, political action groups, etc etc. In my experience most of all of these types of community events are predominantly women. Pick something you actually like, though! Doing something JUST to meet a date could throw a weird vibe.

  22. Do you want an online place to chat? Reddit is a good place (look for a thread related to your country or area). Maybe, Omegle is another place.

    I prefer offline places such as shops, discos, buses… I know you need to practice well to know how to start. You could try a book club or a cookery (or kitchen) club.

  23. 36f here 🙋🏻‍♀️ Do you have any pets? If not – think about getting a (really cute) dog. You meet tons of people just when you’re out on a walk. If you have a cute dog… nothing attracts girls better. Girls on here, tell me I’m wrong.

  24. Gas station, store, place of work anywhere there are women, lol. Find something relatable to talk about. Start with simply greeting them as your equal if that’s too hard. You got this.

  25. Join a game board night. Take a dog to the dog park and talk to other people about their dogs, find a hobby or group that involves both sexes. Don’t just gravitate towards women, talk to everyone. Treat them all just like normal people and have a conversation about things.

    Get used to being easy, relaxed, looking past who/what they are. When you feel good about that kind of interaction, you might open yourself up to flirting and showing some charm.

    Watch your posture, be interested and listen too, and look people in the eye.

  26. I think practicing talking to women online is a good start, with someone willing to help you practice. How old are you? Also what are some of these male dominated hobbies you’re into? As a woman myself, I’d be happy to help you

  27. Instead of focus focusing on where, focus on how and who. You don’t have to talk with ANY woman, pick ones that have good energy, something to discuss. Be confident and don’t worry if she’s having a bad day or doesn’t entertain conversation. I can guarantee you if shes not interested in you there are other guys too and it’s nothing to think twice about.

  28. Where i found it easy was the gym and at work. I woke at a restaurant so it’s inevitable to talk to woman. Especially ones older than me.

    At the gym is kinda easy. Sure i don’t wanna bother them but sometimes you gotta take the risk. Only when they are done with their set.
    The more you practice talking to girls the easier it gets trust me

  29. Stop jerking off and change your circle. Lift weights interact with girls at the gym join a social club ( toast master for eg) join networking groups in your city. Plenty of ways prospect hard enough and you’ll find lots

  30. Don’t “practice” talking with women. Following a script to win women is the problem in the first place.

  31. IMO
    To start off…casual, no implications places
    Baristas at coffee shops. Esp if you frequent one or two. As they get to know you, they will be more open n willing to quick chats.

    Female clerks at retail establishments. Genuinely ask their advice on the fit, color, etc of an item (jacket, jeans/chinos, etc)

    The key is initial steps to begin building confidence

  32. The mall. Come looking fresh and buy something to not look like you’re there for the women but always a great place to start

  33. You should try joining a meet up with something that interests you. Like a sport, hiking, gaming etc. I feel that’s more natural because you’re surrounded by people with same interest. Just be chill and don’t come off as a creep. These things take time for women but watch out for signs that they might e interested.

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