I filed for divorce on Saturday Febuary 18th hardest decision ever but it needed to be done. I’m packing up and leaving today. Reason I waited so long was so that I can wait for the parenting plan to take place. He knew about my decision to leave. He was very inattentive. He would be gone from Friday night to Sunday night with “friends” He cheated on me multiple times. I wanted to stay for our daughter but he was mocking me. I know so many things I haven’t even confronted him about. The only reason I found out about this recent cheating bout is because I recieved an unpaid ticket warning. His car is in my name and I work for the state so any unpaid tickets get brought to our attention. I am done and have started working on myself. It hurts me to leave him but it’s for the best. Plus he has someone else pregnant. He doesn’t know I know this. It’s just crazy because he never wanted another child with me calling me an unfit mother.

  1. Congrats. You will be so grateful for your present self and I’m excited for the wonderful things in your future, especially being loved, honored, and appreciated.

  2. Be sure to gather support around yourself as you do all of this. Read the Book Don’t Call that Many by Rhonda Findley if you are even tempted to get back together with htim. Good luck!

  3. Never look back. This guy was bad on bad. You can do so much better. Take care of yourself & heal. You got this 🤗

  4. Im sorry you are going through this. You wont regret it. He has no respect for you.
    One thing you should do, is take you name off of that car. If you bought it with your money, take it away from him. Best of luck.

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