Hey, im 19 years Old and im quite good socially, despite that i still have bad habits and stupid things i do when social.

When i joke i talk myself Down, i am confident and my self esteem i fragile.

Most of the time i try to make jokes and make people laugh, it basically become my priority. I Can see in peoples eyes that they would accept me if i just were to be myself instead of a clown. But i cant stop being silly, people dont respect me and its because of my impulses.

I dislike myself a lot for this, because i know how much potential i had and how great i could have been had i just been myself. I cant be myself Idk why, its almost like my body does everything it Can in order to make me a clown.

I am not happy, and i do everything i Can to fix myself, it fcking hurt watching yourself ruin all your oppertunities in life just to get some attention that dosent even do anything for me. I feel cursed in a Way.

1 comment
  1. Either you need more practice in stopping yourself from making such jokes or (and I’m just guessing) you might have ADHD or something similar that doesn’t allow you to control this impulse.

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