So at work there’s a newer person I’ve been working with. Today they told me they really like my energy, then got kinda fumbly and said “I say that to guys too so uhh you know…..” and I said thanks it’s all good. Then proceeded to tell me I have really nice eyes. This is the second time they have commented on my eyes as last week they made a blunt statement saying “your eyes are blue, mine are hazel.” Also I think he’s making a lot of eye contact but maybe he does that with everyone?

I have a hard time deciphering if this person is crushing on me or not; as I do have stark blue eyes and get compliments from random people all the time. I’m not into dating people at work as it’s gone awkward in the past. I do like him/have a small crush but our lives are not compatible in the slightest. I’m not sure if these comments even mean anything? He is trying to tell me he likes me or was it just verbal diarrhea? How should I respond if it happens again?

  1. Don’t focus on your coworker’s potential intentions, just focus on your own.

    When he says “I like your energy”, you say “Thanks, it’s nice to work with you too” and steer the conversation in another direction. If he compliments your eyes, you just say “Thanks” because that’s what one does and go about your day.

    Even if you might have a bit of a crush on him, if you know you’re not interested in dating him, just treat him like you would any other coworker. His intentions, if he even has any, are pretty irrelevant in that case.

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