Last night we were on the phone and he was driving back to a job location and he wasn’t going to be there until around 1230 am after starting at 6 am that morning.

The truck was too big for the hotel parking lot, so he had to drive to the work site and get one of the guys he was working with to pick him up and bring him a hotel key for a room.

By the time he called to check in, they all sounded drunk. By the time he arrived to the job site nobody would answer their phones.

He had to sleep in a truck in a storm in a different state while I slept warm in our bed. I felt so guilty, and if I were in that position I could only imagine I’d feel stranded and like crying.

Flash forward to tonight: when I finally got a chance to talk to him found out he has his own hotel room for the first time since he left.

I am 18 weeks pregnant and complaining about my body hurting a bit. However, my chest is feeling very swollen. I guess it comes with the territory but every time I ask him if I look swollen he says no.

So I sent him a photo (over Snapchat) he said they actually do and we talk for awhile longer. Then he started to fall asleep on the phone, so I told him to go to sleep.

About 3 minutes later I get a notification he’s snap chat texting me… hahaha.

He just says ‘I haven’t seen them in awhile’ and now I’m laughing in bed ready to sleep, but glad he can enjoy my swollen ass body, even if it is changing.

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