What’s one thing you like about being a guy?

  1. All the privilege. Basically I am free to do whatever I want with no consequences at all, and everyone pretty much worships me.

  2. Feeling relatively safe no matter where I go at whatever time of day. That’s a pretty neat perk.

  3. It’s the best character arc. You get to go from being shit, seen as scum and sub-human by much of society. Degraded and laughed at by women (if you aren’t Mr. Chad), forced to endure and build resistance in a cold hostile society, sleep many nights alone, find hope in destitution..

    You get to suffer that for years and it’s not something most people can express. At least, many of us do. I can’t express my late teens and 20’s in words but I suffered it and preserved and now I’m stronger than I’ve ever been.

    You have to earn that feeling and the skills of being OP. It’s so much better that way. The base of confidence is so much more thorough and rewarding when you have to grind for every bit of it over years.

    Almost all the women I know are addicted to men and need men.

    They don’t get the feeling of looking up at the stars and feeling warm and complete and fulfilled, they never have had the motivation because they’ve always been able to be rescued so they never had to really discover themselves.

    I think the best thing about being a man is also the worst, that there is no one to rescue or save us, no safety line. We are either erased by the cruel reality of nature or we manage to build the resilience in order to thrive.

    The best part is not having a choice, the absolute reality of succeed or die.

  4. While this doesn’t necessarily apply to every guy, physical strength.

    It’s become more obvious as I get older. The women in my life that I help and support (wife, mom, in-laws, neighbors) couldn’t do half of the things I do without thinking about it.

    For example, one of my neighbors is a single mom. The way her yard is set up, she could never mow most of it. She also can’t afford to hire a service. To prevent her yard from becoming a haven for mice and ticks that would eventually cause me problems, I mow it for her in the spring and summer. She pays for the garbage service we both use so it equals out.

    Or the salt we need for our water softener. I think nothing of carrying two 40 pound bags of salt down to the basement. Same for my mom and my mother-in-law. Even a simple folding deck chair for my mom when she needs to put it away in the fall or take it out in the spring is a significant challenge for her and doesn’t even make me breathe heavy.

    The ability to simply “do” things that are physical without having to plan it out or worry about hurting myself is kind of nice.

  5. Hard to tell without trying being a gal for a few weeks.

    I’m strong even compared to other men. I guess that is nice, until you see my food bill.

  6. My biological physical advantage to move stuff that needs moving whether by graceful lifting or the assertive, violent shove.

  7. Literally everything. I wouldn’t change a goddamn thing about being a man.

    In fact, being a guy is *so* awesome, even feminists want to be one. Being a man is so great, it’s actually convinced women that the key to freedom and happiness is to have a job like their fathers, and have sex like their brothers.

    Why wouldn’t I want to be a man?

  8. I like not having a social expectation to wear tight clothing / makeup. I hate having stuff hugging my skin directly. I barely manage wearing socks honestly.

  9. It’s a lot harder for people to bully me with stupid rhetoric and nonsense arguments. My slightly lizard-like male brain files those tactics into “ignore” by default.

  10. Sure the physical strength is nice not to need anyone’s help.

    But what I like is inner peace. I can sit there in silence without a thought in my head. This can help me fall asleep quickly and not interfere with intimate moments.

  11. Ability to compartmentalize things. Seems to be a rare trait in our feminine counterparts.

  12. Not being a woman. Life is already hard, existence is pain, I don’t need the extra difficulty.

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