So I met this graduate student the other day and I (19F) got randomly hit on while I was walking by this guy. We have been texting for a while and had our first outing the other day. It went well which sucks because I just found out his age. I knew he was a little older based off certain clues, but not a whole 29 years old. I found out after my friend stalked his instagram. I do think I am genuinely mature for my age, but maybe not enough to breach a ten year age gap. How would I reject him afterwards without sounding like a crazy internet stalker, or should I just go on more dates to see where it goes.

  1. Bruh 10 yr is so much💀, just stay away from him. Tell him ur not comfortable with 01 Yes age gap, n tell him to respectfully stop hitting. If he does, contact the cops💀

  2. When I broke up with my 22 year old ex (I’m 31) over age gap I was just straight up and honest about it. Remind him you are at different life stages and it will make compatibility an issue down the line. If he doesn’t understand then that’s his issue.

  3. >How would I reject him afterwards without sounding like a crazy internet stalker

    Just tell him you’re not feeling it any more. He can interpret it any way he wants. If you want to tell him you stalked his IG to find out his age, that’s up to you.

  4. You are young and need some nurturing in the ways of love. Let this man teach you about sex and love. Hopefully, he will have some experience and be able to take you to places you haven’t been before. If you are lying on the bed thinking, fuck me that was good, then he is doing his job. If you are lying on the bed thinking jeez, what was that, then I would suggest going on more dates.

  5. If he’s a mature adult, an honest conversation is best. If he can’t handle it, then you’re making the best choice either way. Being 35m, if I was him, I would want you to be straight up. Just remember, no take backs.

  6. If you like him, if you feel mature enough, who cares? I always dated guys 8, 11, 12 and even 15 year older than me. My ex was 55, I didn’t even know (he never said his age). I thought he was 50, only because of his history, (if he was in his 20s in the 90s then it had to be around 50, but he looked and acted so youthful). I never had any problem with his age. I was 36? when I met him, so he was 51. I would never guess and I never cared.

    I was 18, my bf was 29 and I had a few dates about that age. I was 24 met my longest term bf he was 30; 36 he was 51. I don’t see a problem with that.

    When the time comes that the paths or timings are off then decide. With my first 18-29, we only drifted when he was 35, it had nothing to do with his age, but because I was fed up with his jealousy and our past, and he was too heavy for his age.

    But…I think it’s immature to see things like that.

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