Would you be open to or opposed to widespread nuclear energy across the US?

  1. I would be very open to and supportive of it. It would be hard to claim to take climate change seriously and not support nuclear

  2. Also: what problems do you foresee?

    When I bring this up to people in WV (because that’d be optimal to replace coal and transition workers to nuclear so they don’t lose jobs) they fear terrorist attacks, leaks, and such. Is this a concern for you?

  3. I don’t see how anyone that has educated themselves on nuclear power production could oppose it at this point in time honestly.

  4. Open.

    Especially the newer designs with natural fail-safes and closed loop to greatly limit waste.

  5. I am in favor of it. We should’ve been building more plants for decades.

  6. Yup. On a day to day level one of my bigger concerns with nuclear is a general lack of black start capability, but that’s also an issue in our current mix for much of the country.

    There are a lot of approaches to mitigating that, but I don’t see them being proactively implemented.

  7. Am nuclear engineer.

    Well technically a mechanical engineer that just happens to work in the nuclear industry.

    We need more nuclear energy, like yesterday. It’s safe and the more we do it the cheaper it gets, and it’s already cheaper than wind and solar in a lot of places.

  8. I’d be fine with it but start where there’s the best bang for the carbon buck.

    In Washington state we have hydro and in western Washington we have earthquakes. I think we’re integrated into the national grid now but as of 2024 WA state should not have any coal plants left.

  9. Oh yes. Love me some nuclear!

    Bill gates is building one here in Wyoming (some new kind? Idk), trying to use old coal plants. I only have skimmed some articles, but sounds cool.

  10. I like it. They’re building a plant here in my county in WY, and we’re very excited about it.

  11. Nuclear Energy is the one reliable clean energy source we have. We should definitely use more Nuclear Energy

  12. I have no opposition to nuclear other than the caveat that greener technologies exist and in the time it takes to make nuclear ubiquitous we may be looking at replacing it already.

    If this question was asked 30 years ago the answer should have been a full-force push for nuclear

  13. Yes. Whatever your thoughts on nuclear energy are, if we’re going to wean off fossil fuels then nuclear has to be a big part of the equation.

  14. We need all forms of green energy in order to make fossil fuels obsolete, including nuclear.

  15. Fully support it. There’s plenty of closed up coal plants and brownfield sites that could be cleaned up and made into nuclear plants all over PA

  16. Besides the upfront cost, there’s no “good” reason why we can’t have 100% of our energy come from nuclear. It’s incredibly safe and cost effective. Just don’t build them where there’s earthquakes or hurricanes.

  17. I’ve often wondered if it might be possible could “replace” existing nuclear plants with newer, safer, and more powerful Nuclear plants.

    In my opinion, only some type of end-run or back door plan would be able to move quickly and avoid popular resistance.

  18. Open. Nuclear energy is actually quite clean as long as long as waste is properly managed

  19. Full supporter of nuclear power. Very very safe and efficient as long as you don’t have a homer Simpson/Anatoly Dyatlov dynamic duo running the ship.

  20. I fully support it. Technology has vastly improved over the last 20-30 years that we won’t have another disaster

  21. The best energy option there is. I fully support nuclear energy and hope it gets adopted more often

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