Husband (36) and I (30) have been in a rough patch for around 12 months at least. He enjoys his playstation games and spends all his time he is not at work playing games.

He’s been disrespectful for a while now. Trying to tell me what I can and can’t wear, telling me I can’t hang out with my male friends and when I tell him I feel disrespected he stonewalls me and won’t talk to me.

We have recently moved interstate and I hoped being in a new area would spark something in him, so we could go exploring like we did when we first got together. Instead I am flourishing at work and working on myself and dread being home. I feel like whenever I talk to him he’s judging me and only talks to me with poison in his voice.

He says he doesn’t want to lose me but actions speak louder than words and I’m just not happy any more. What do I do

1 comment
  1. If it were me, I would be in soft-to-hard ultimatum territory. Something along the lines of “I’m unhappy, lets try to fix it. Starting with couples counseling.” If he’s resistant, emphasize that this is an emergency and that are unwilling to stay married to someone who doesn’t want to work on the marriage.

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