Someone I consider a friend was introducing me to one of their friends, and we were having a normal conversation and their friend out of nowhere said to me “you’re weird” for nothing, why do people think I come off a weird? I was speaking in the most normal and nonchalant way possible and I still get called weird for it! why are people like this.

  1. If one person makes an observation I don’t agree with, I dismiss it. If multiple people make the same observation, I get very honest with myself.

  2. Can you think back to anything you may have said or done that would have provoked that kind of response?

  3. I know some personalities that would say this just in the meaning “you are doing something I personally would not”. So it could be speaking more about that other person.
    Some persons also use “weird” as a compliment to friends, meaning interesting.

    So I would not worry about it at this point.
    If your friend says it again, you could always ask why and then judge if she has a point or not.

    Or just don’t think about it unless a lot of people start making you feel like you are different.

  4. I think it’s weird someone would call another person they just met weird out of no where, even if they were acting weird (unless you were spazzing out or something).

  5. There’s too little info for us to tell you whether you were or were not being “weird.” Talk to a friend you trust who’s good with people, explain the situation and ask them to be honest with you if you’re doing something unusual or off.

    These sorts of things happen. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, and I wouldn’t stress over it.

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