I feel like people around me are really into childish spur of the moment behavior. It makes it really hard to tell them you don’t feel well and hope they take the hint that you don’t wanna go out and party.
Is telling people “I feel bad today, I’m gonna take a walk to help ease my nerves and stomach”
Enough for them to understand that you don’t wanna be taken on a wild adventure that lasts hours?
“You wanna take a walk!? Walk at my house! Let’s go walk to here or there!”
Multiple people aren’t picking up on my hints that I wanna be left alone.
Do I have to *directly tell them* “I feel sick. Leave me alone today”?
What if their feelings get hurt and they don’t wanna stay friends? What if they think somethings wrong with me?

I just want a moment to feel better so I have enough time before bed to do my chores…

1 comment
  1. Although dropping hints works very well some of the time, if it isn’t working I’d recommend making believable excuses or in passing conversation mentioning you’ve been really busy for some particular reason. This makes it so that when you have to call off to go to a party or another event you have a valid excuse that doesn’t need further explanation. Also, people are inviting you out because they like your company, but remember you know yourself better than anyone else knows you, if you don’t think it’s a good idea to go out, then don’t.

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