Ok everyone I need opinions. This is a long story but I need advice. The way this started was because I was sleeping over at his house and while he slept I took his phone to change the show (we use his phone as the remote) while I had his phone I saw a notification from early that week of a girls Instagram account texting him, she was saying she was from another state. Obviously I became suspicious and I clicked on the message.
But I saw that she was blocked. Weird right? I then did some snooping which I’m not proud of but what do you expect when I see that? I find one other message thread on Instagram where he’s talking to another girl. It was pretty much just a normal convo she asked what he’s doing he responded and asked what she was doing then she responded. No real flirting tbh just a conversation but at the end of the thread she asked if he had a snap. He said “yes, should I add you?” And she sent her snap. But then he blocked her. I’m freaking out at this point. I look through his actual texts and find nothing same with snap. But I can’t sleep knowing this so I wake him up and confront him. He looks confused and I show him what I saw and he goes to the account and says that it’s a fake account. He said he’ll text fake accounts for fun sometimes. I mean it did kind of look fake but at the same time they were texting him like a normal girl.
I’ve never been suspicious of him before I always trusted him completely so I’m relieved by this and I think he’s telling the truth. But now I can’t stop thinking about it. What if he was lying? What do y’all think?

1 comment
  1. If he truly has a track record of being honest and straight forward, why do you need to go through his phone past clicking on the notification rather than straight up asking, then doubt him on his word after you played detective and found nothing.

    Personally that behavior would raise a red flag factory in my head.

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