If a girl rejects your proposal for the first time but comes back later to say she’s interested in reconsidering it, what will you do?

  1. Propose, plan the whole wedding, get to the alter and say “I don’t” and just walk out.

  2. Run. She sounds like a manipulator. If she really wanted to marry you, she would have said yes in the first place.

  3. Why am I still talking to her?

    If I proposed, and she said no – it’s over.

  4. Depends on the relationship I have with her. But I would need to know why.

  5. I don’t understand why someone would propose without knowing for sure that marriage was the plan. My wife and I sat down and had a long conversation going over everything that we both wanted and expected in a spouse, our opinions on having kids and how to raise them, where we would want to live, everything about finances, and how we would want our engagement to go. After that, we agreed that we wanted to marry each other and I then started planning the proposal.

    Years earlier, a girlfriend and I had a similar conversation and we couldn’t agree on enough things and broke up instead. We did try to date again later but it was doomed from the start.

  6. Respectfully, but sternly, decline.

    If you propose and she says no, the relationship is done. There is no future. If she comes later saying shes “interested in reconsidering”… bruh it’s a yes or a no, it’s not a discussion topic. It sounds more like she is manipulative and is trying to mess with you for power.

    This is why you only propose when you know she will say yes.

  7. Tell her you need to reconsider it. Let it sit for a while. Things can change but we (hopefully) have long lives to live.

  8. Ask her why she declined and why she has reconsidered. Then make your decision from that.

  9. For a proposal? Absolutely not that’s not something you can just come back to. You shouldn’t be someone’s after thought.

  10. Tread with extreme caution. Lot a variables at play here. Did you blow the proposal? Did you pick a bad time or location. Did you have a bad read on the relationship or Was this literally all on her? Basically, why did she not say yes to begin with. Dating my self here but had a friend get the no before the knee hit the ground. He forgot to ask her father. So he went bask asked, dad said yes and got the yes before the knee hit the ground. it was a different time

  11. Tell her she had a chance, refuse to give her another one. There’s only one reason a woman does this and that’s using you as a back up option

  12. You show value by not tolerating her bs. You will look like a more worthy man if you stop any negative behaviors so I would say decline.

    But, If you don’t wanna go that route just shoot for a Hail Mary attempt at sex so instead of a dinner date now you come over to Netflix and chill. And if not then leave. But, she’s already showing signs of disinterest and sounds like your a plan B.

  13. Depends why she rejected it

    (This has personally happened within my own family, they are now happily married and have been together 30 years. Not everyone is ready at the right time)

  14. “Interested in reconsidering” lol so it ain’t even definite

    Would have had to been a great reason to decline in the first place but just to reconsider means that they just weren’t sure about you and probably couldn’t find any one so nahhh

  15. Women’s opinions should be respected and followed.

    If she says no, she’s not consenting.

    If we were in a long-term relationship and she said no to a marriage proposal, I would trust her words and leave. There is going to be a discussion, hopefully, to clear out why, but I will still leave.

    No point staying around someone who doesn’t share your wants in a relationship.

  16. I mean I’m not gonna propose unless we’ve talked about marriage extensively. The proposal timing and location should be the surprise, not the proposal itself. So if she says no we need to have a serious conversation about why. Unless she has a really good reason odds are the relationship is ending.

  17. Had your chance already. Not going to feel like she’s ‘settling’ for second place…

  18. Nope. I’ve been in a similar situation. She chose another guy and was with him for four years. Ended up being single on my side and her at the end of that relationship and approached me indirectly. I did have feelings, but there were two things that stopped me.

    1. You don’t jingle with another man’s woman, even if you like her, even if in your opinion he is a piece of sh*t. Not while they are together. If she was with a relative or bro… she is permanently (personal opinion, I don’t oblige anyone to agree with me)

    2. I felt like a second-hand replacement. I knew she didn’t see me as such and had genuine feelings, and I did consider breaking the first point, but the feeling was there.

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