What qualities do you think are important for a woman to possess in order to be a good partner in a romantic relationship?

  1. Goal oriented, respectful, intelligent, knows how to set and respect boundaries, wants to genuinely spend time with you

  2. Same as for anyone in virtually any relationship: trust, respect, kindness, sense of humour. Anything beyond that is personal preference

  3. What do you mean by any of that? “Good partner?” “Romantic relationship?”

    I’d like a woman to be good at sex if I am going to have sex with her. Partner for life? I’d pick men most of the time.

  4. kindness and humility, she really is strong and independent than she doesn’t need to tell people about it.

  5. Never withholding sex to get her way. That shit is toxic AF to her romantic relationship.

  6. Good communication skills, cares about the people around them, hardworking, reliable, trustworthy, responsible, organized, etc.

  7. Personal accountability.

    If she’s had bad relationships in the past and she doesn’t understand or acknowledge her part in it then she will do the same thing again.

    I’m no woman’s scapegoat.

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