Me and my buddy were having “fun” with a woman. I was going to town on her on the bed then I notice him come up behind me and feel his “stick” on the rim of my hole(didn’t go in). We are both straight, it atleast I thought he was before this. Does it sound like our friendship is over with?

  1. You have now entered the twilight zone

    That’s entirely up to you my man, that would make me very uncomfortable, especially without a warning. And to be honest I probably would’ve put the dude on his ass. So idk how the interaction went afterwards, but if you’re making a post about it, you probably have negative feelings towards this friend now. Follow that.

  2. No. I wouldn’t end the friendship. Did you set clear boundaries about touching each other before it started?

    Either way, it doesn’t mean he has feelings for you or anything. Could have certainly gotten caught up in the moment. I’d talk to him about it if it’s bothering you or if you feel it has made things awkward.

  3. That’s hella sus on your homie, especially because it seems like he had to go outta his way to get in that position behind you. At the same time it’s as they say, if you can’t stand the heat get outta the kitchen.

  4. Just talk to him and ask him if he’s bi? If he says maybe say cool but I’m not. Then end of discussion. Also you might want to cut back on the threesomes until he figures himself out. That’s unless you are bi curious too.

  5. Ain’t that the definition of a Theesum? Having Intercourse with 2 people at a time…. Maybe he wanted to try something different

  6. Bro what the fuck? If I were you, I would have told him to stop with that shit and get the fuck out.

  7. Dude, he tried to rape you. the friendship is over because he didn’t respect your consent.

  8. Was alcohol or drugs involved? I mean this all sounded like a bad decision from the get go, so I assume y’all had to be under the influence of something.

  9. Maybe he’s just sensitive about his failing eyesight and doesn’t want to buy glasses and you have a really feminine looking ass when it’s blurry 🤣

  10. Crazy how Reddit loves to be biased. Just read a post where the bf was going down on his Virgin girlfriend and she made it clear she didn’t want penetration. Then when he was eating her out from behind he tried to stick it in without warning or consent and everyone’s like dump him he’s a rapist and doesn’t care about your consent. (I agree) and everyone always says no answer doesn’t mean yes. So by that definition this is attempted rape and at the least sexual assault. He didn’t have consent and didn’t even give warning and y’all on here saying don’t end the friendship just talk to him??

  11. I find this entire thing to be so bizarre. Why are strait men having a threesome anyway??? I bet that’s what your friend is wondering

  12. As long as you forgive him, I don’t see why not.

    Just have an open honest conversation. He made quite the mistake, but can you both move on is the question.

  13. Idk why people are making jokes in the comments. This is sexual assault. Having a threesome doesn’t mean you consented to have him do that.

  14. I told a woman in another thread that a similar situation was attempted r*pe because there was no consent.

    Side note, your friends is bisexual or at least bi-curious.


  15. This isn’t a good experience and I empathize with you. Threesomes involve all parties. Trains are the opposite. I understand the “ unwritten rules “ but those don’t work nor protect anybody in situations like this.

    A conversation must take place beforehand to ensure all parties are safe and aware of the boundaries. Consent is a must! If not, do not participate. I personally wouldn’t have anymore hook ups or a friendship with this person because the reality is, things will be awkward afterwards. This is considered sexual assault since you’ve had multiple sessions before. Please speak to a trusted friend/or a counsellor if you have any negative feelings about this. Take care of yourself.

  16. He crossed a line, you have every right to never talk to him again.
    Honestly why are people joking about this? OP was touched without his consent. I’d be extremely upset, feel violated, and betrayed.
    I sorry this happened to you OP.

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