As a guy that’s not forward and hates rejection, I’ve always wished women were as forward as men and wanted casual sex as much as men do. I’ve thought about how nice it must be for gay men to be able to get casual sex so easily whenever they want on apps or at gay bars/clubs without having to pretend you’re interested in a relationship. Will women ever seek casual sex like men do? Or this is just nature’s safeguard because if women wanted casual sex at the same rate as men, then we would be having too much sex that takes up too much time?

  1. Unlikely.

    Some do and some have stages of it but soon realise that it’s usually unsatisfying and unsafe.

  2. Women do want casual sex, and honestly, its likely they want it at the same rate as men. The problem isnt that its “nature’s safegaurd”. Its that society has collectively shamed women for being sexually open with their wants and desires. For ages we have said women need to be virgins when they are married or you cant sleep with too many guys without being deemed a slut. So with all of that out in the world, why would a woman put out that she wants casual sex when more times than not, she is gonna be shunned for it. If all things were equal, you would probably have a fairly balanced distribution of women who want casual sex vs a relationship relative to men.

  3. Women want it just as much as men. But they unfortunately get judged for having it.

  4. Youre not forward then you say you wish women were as forward as men? Doesnt make sense. Getting laid isnt hard. Finding a good relationship is.

  5. I am in a relationship now, but I have about 100 bodies from casual sex. Mostly people I already knew and would just text them like “wanna fuck?” And nobody ever said no bahahahahahahaha. Also this was before I was 21, never went on dating apps, always sober at the guys house. Never meeting people at bars or anything. Mostly guys from my town I knew wanted to fuck me but I was in a relationship all throughout high school. All of my friends also enjoy casual sex. I think one main thing holding us back aside from society standards is safety. I have been raped multiple times in my casual sex escapades and it’s just something I took on as a danger of the job.

    In retrospect, my form of extreeeeemeeeeee casual sex (different dick appointments every day of the week) was most definitely self harm. But I don’t regret it at all. Now I know I’m gay <333 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

  6. Seems like you just have no luck. It’s not hard to find a female that wants casual sex. xD

  7. I mean… Yesn’t.

    Women have lower rates of satisfaction (when measured by orgasm rates) than men, and are more likely to worry about violence or coercion. They may very well want casual sex and not want to find it with a stranger on Tinder.

  8. I kind of wish people thought about evolution more when it comes to why people do the things they do. This is very much a post-BC question, if condoms and the pill were not as widespread as they are, you’d know exactly why women would avoid casual sex. But just because we’ve come up with viable contraception doesn’t mean that we can suddenly go against thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years of evolutionary instincts. The needle is moving in that direction, but it’s going to take time before that becomes the norm. We have created a social construction in which it is the norm, but the biology hasn’t caught up with that yet. In the end, as long as accidental pregnancy is a possibility, women are going to be – at least slightly – more reluctant have casual sex because if it does happen, they’re the ones that get stuck with the baby, while the guy has the option of running off into the sunset after he nuts.

  9. Women do want causal sex they just want the people they have it with to be safe, charismatic and good at sex.

    That’s really it tbh.

  10. It would probably help if women could seek casual sex and not get labeled negatively / have future men not want them because they had “too much” casual sex.

  11. Sure we would love it if we weren’t shut shamed at every single opportunity, risking our lives with it and our bodies.

  12. Before having my boyfriend now, I loved having casual sex. I found new things I enjoyed, new techniques.. and always careful with random partners! We as women as always shamed for liking sex as much as if not more than men.

  13. It’s a Low reward high risk for women when it comes to casual sex. So to answer ur question, no.

    Why would you wanna have sex with someone who most likely doesn’t care about proper contraceptives (and will fight you to not wear a condom), your pleasure and most likely won’t pay for plan b let alone help you with a child if it comes to that? It just simply doesn’t make sense to me. Casual sex is just way too much of a risk considering the parts I was born with.

  14. This is a very toxic way to look at it, dodging your accountability. The answer to your question is “no”, but IMHO you should probably start to look forwardon how you can better yourself for them to want to have sex with YOU. Instead of dwelling on this adolescent concept to deflect.

  15. Women get shamed for wanting causal sex and are at a much higher risk of being assaulted or murdered if they go home with a man they don’t know well. Still, despite this heightened danger, most people are out there trying to live their lives and find people they feel safe with to satisfy their needs. If you want to have more luck with casual hookups then work on getting over the fear of rejection.

  16. The issue is not women. The issue is you and your shyness. You said it yourself. In order to have casual sex, you need to get comfortable asking uncomfortable questions to the women you’re interested in.

  17. We really do want it just as much, you just have to find us and approach it the right way. I think most men would be amazed by how horny some women are and how much we need sex too.

    Unfortunately, we women have to keep our sex drive and casual sexual encounters private and separate from our “real life” because we don’t want a reputation as a slut in our circle of friends and family. Nothing drives a good man who wants a serious relationship away faster than an “easy woman.” As I have heard men say, “I’m looking for a good woman who doesn’t have another man’s dick inside her.”

    I am at my sexual peek and horny AF. I have developed a relationship with 2 FWB’s who are clean, safe, and discreet partners who I meet up with a couple of times a week for fun and sex, no strings attached. I keep them totally separate from each other and my inner circle so that when I find Mr. Right my exploits won’t be common knowledge. I will, of course, cut these guys out of my life when Mr. Right appears.

  18. Women experience more danger and more consequences from casual sex. Fix that and women might want more casual sex.

  19. Casual sex for women is so tricky.

    You have the slut shamers who will make you pay later. Not date you. Call you for the streets. Say you are not wife material.

    Then you have the fact that many men in casual sex don’t care about her pleasure.

    And then you have the downright danger of being overpowered and hurt. And I don’t even mean rape. Just idiot men who think all women like it rough and don’t care to check first or don’t care if they even like it at all.

    Yeah and then theres the actual rape

    Casual sex better be damn well worth it….

  20. The ease with which MSM can find casual sex in gay bars and clubs is directly proportioned to how picky a man is about the man or men they are going to have sex with. Unless a man is incredibly hot with a big “package”, no one is guaranteed “to get casual sex so easily whenever they want”. But if a man is wiling to settle for an anonymous, average looking, dad bod kinda guy, then the opportunities go up. I’ve had a lot of sex at gay bars and bathhouses, but I have also walked out having done nothing because no one appealed to me. And I’ve walked out having done nothing because they guys I tried to hit up turned me down.

  21. You sound very childish

    If you truly desire casual sex. Either become sexy, loose the fear of rejection and approach 100 women a day OR pay for it. You THINK you want casual sex. You PROBABLY are compensating with a lack of… connection? Intimacy… maybe.

    You don’t just get to potentially ruin your life and other peoples lives because you want sex. There’s always a trade off… A woman divulging in casual sex trades her opportunity to be with someone who cares about her and the risk of pregnancy… but you wont risk rejection? Lol you’re post has annoyed me.

    I’m glad women don’t give guys sex just because… it would create man childs… and we already have too many

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