Obviously there’s lots of videos out there of women getting drunk and groping their friends and the like. Have you seen many men get smashed while drunk and start grabbing each other’s dicks, kissing, etc?

  1. In the military they don’t even need to be drunk. Just deprive them of outside stimulus for a few days.

  2. I don’t. The majority of my friends don’t.

    The ones that do in our group are either gay or somewhat bi.

    But I wouldn’t assume it means you are gay/bi.

    I could also see people that are deprived of intimate/sexual contact might seek it anywhere. But that has never been the case for me.

  3. Lol I’m actually bi and I get less gay around my friends when I drink. Tbh we’re already a pretty comfortable group but I only get drunk when we go out to the club or somewhere similar and drunk me is apparently the pussy whisperer

  4. Anecdotally, not at all. Neither myself or any of my friends did this. Maybe the odd smack on the ass if I was drinking with sports bros.

  5. I have a friend who’s straight yet when he is drunk he behaves so gay – like he wanna hug other guys and he tells everyone how hot they are and how much he wants to go to bed with them.

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