I’ve (23f) been dating this guy (24m) for almost 2 months. We have had a couple ‘proper’ dates but it’s mainly been me hanging out at his place. We get on but he is super awkward. I’m finding as he comes out of his shell more we actually have less in common than I thought, and there are some icks I can’t really see past. He’s super nice and quite obsessed with me, doing lots of little things to try and impress me. However one big thing he has done is bought me and him tickets to a concert I really wanted to go to in a couple weeks time. These tickets were over 100 each. Now if he didn’t have these tickets I would stop seeing him because my attraction is gone but I don’t know what to do? He’d be super hurt if I didn’t go but also if I end it afterwards he might think I only stuck around for the concert. What’s the best way to navigate this?

  1. “I don’t want to see you romantically anymore, I appreciate you did buy those tickets. If it is a major issue I will buy them from you or we could attend as friends only”

  2. >if I end it afterwards he might think I only stuck around for the concert

    That is exactly what you are doing, though. Don’t be a bad person. Either offer to buy the tickets from him or tell him you can’t go with him. Don’t use people’s feelings because it benefits you.

  3. You gotta just end it and let the chips fall as they may. He can sell the tickets. You will be miserable and it isn’t fair to him. It isn’t going to be easy. Feelings will get hurt, but that is part of dating and life. Be kind but honest. You will feel so much better when you get on the other side of it.

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