I’ve been really putting myself out there and dating around since I moved to a new city, but man I’m so burnt out. Out of all the guys I’ve been out with in the past year, I’ve liked exactly one. And we saw each other for a little bit but he eventually ended things. And I haven’t liked anyone else since.

It’s not that all these people are terrible, most of them are even quite fun to talk to, it’s just I have zero interest in continuing to see them. I’ve tried to give a couple of them the benefit of the doubt, and gone out on a second, third date, but it starts to feel disingenuous on my part by that point, when I know I don’t feel anything for them.

And then some of them *are* terrible. I’ve gone out with some guys who are just insanely pushy, and made me feel unsafe.

I really want to find someone that I think is amazing, who actually cares about me too, but at this point I’m wondering if that’s too much to ask for.

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