What are some habits of friends that you find annoying or emotionally draining?

  1. I have a friend who’s fairly sensitive to blood, gore, and horror. So it can get difficult to find movies to watch or video games to play.

  2. Glorifying self destructive behavior. I don’t wanna hear about how much money you lost on your sports betting while black out drunk, nothing about that is cool to me.

  3. I love my friends…but out of all of them…I’m not working but I’m in school (been trying find another job for the last few months.)

    Got one friend who gloats about getting women, fucking them, getting head from them, their job, and etc. and its the only topic that ever comes out of their mouth. I rather hear about your day. I don’t care about none of this and I don’t most our other friends don’t either.

    It’s mainly annoying but it’s always the same topic with them.

  4. He was baby trapped by some girl he met at a wedding, then she fucked his entire life up. Stopped paying mortgage, car payment he gave her and took that money for her exit strategy. My friend was never the same and is stuck in that moment for the last 10 years. Never a moment he doesn’t bring it up or complain about it.

  5. Some of my friends have a habit of needing a full-blown discussion every time they get upset at something someone says. I’m very good at not saying anything that would offend anyone, but I can’t say the same for others in the friend group.

    One wrong sentence, or one slightly bad phrasing, can set off an hour-long discussion, and I always get dragged into it as a mediator.

    And they all wonder why I’m just never angry. It’s because I can *let things go,* and I only get angry when someone intentionally does something to make me upset. That concept seems so foreign to them

  6. I have friends that tend to get real loud and try to talk over each other during game nights it’s really annoying

  7. I have a friend who is very loyal but damn, he is draining.

    He talks too much and assumes too much shit. “You’re like this” or “You’re like that.” Sometimes, I feel like he gaslights but not in a manipulative/negative way. More like he tells me how things unfolded in my life when I know damn well it didn’t happen like that.

    Example – “Damn, I used to see you always hang out with that girl in the library.” Brother, I never saw you in the library in my entire life and I always studied alone lol.

    As a friend, I tell him constantly to stop assuming shit if he was never there but he talks so damn much. It can be a bit exhausting at times.

  8. One of my friends is emotionally sensitive to the point that you can’t criticise her of anything. If you do it while she’s drinking she’ll spiral so bad that she may end up threatening suicide, which will cause one of my other friends to have a severe anxiety attack. She’s fine most of the time (and definitely didn’t use to be this bad) but it’s serious walking on eggshells shit sometimes

  9. One of my friend likes to act very familiar with people like tapping on shoulders and such. I’m an introvert and it really annoys me, when ever someone stands behind me when im doing homework or playing or unnecceracy touching from someone else than my non existing girlfriend so no one.

  10. My friends are high functioning alcoholics and I rarely drink. It’s like everything they do has to involve alcohol. About the only way I get to see them is if I go to the bar they always hang out it, and I tire of that

  11. My friends tell me I’m shit and that I’m not funny and that I should kill myself. I can’t tell if their my friends or not but hey. Telling Ur friend to kill themselves is funny right? Especially when they haven’t been mentally ok in over 5 years

  12. My friend group recently cut someone out for always complaining. My friend group is supportive with everyone but the one friend we cut out would always say how things are so much worse for her. We all got tired of her so we cut her out of the group entirely. We are all for supporting each other but if you don’t do anything to solve the problem then it’s your own fault.

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