What’s more nostalgic for you, Duck Hunt or Super Mario Bros?

  1. I spent an entire winter break once beating Mario 64 (never played the original much) with my little brother (rip) so hands down that is always going to be the most nostalgic game to me…but I remember playing duck hunt at my cousins house when I was a tiny kid. I think it was the first video game I ever saw. So it has some special feels too.

  2. They’re pretty inseparable to me, considering they were on the same cartridge. Like, you’d have to choose which one to play when turning on the console. So pretty much the same.

  3. Duck Hunt was my first video game, so definitely that, but my parents had both.

  4. I’m a little too young to have grown up with either. For me, it’s Super Mario World.

  5. Mario, easily. Duck Hunt is a relic.. Mario is arguably the greatest video game icon ever.

  6. Duck Hunt. Because I can play Mario on an emulator and get relatively the same feel. Haven’t played duck hunt since I was a kid.

  7. Duck Hunt. Both are nostalgic, but I felt, occasionally, like I won at duck hunt, which means happier memories to bask in. I don’t think I beat a Mario game until Yoshi’s Story.

  8. Mario Bros, I guess, but that was ten years before my time. I’m a Super Mario World/64 guy.

  9. The NES was before my time, and Duck Hunt is more or less tied to that system. Super Mario Bros on the other hand is eternal. I have fond memories of several of the post-NES entries in the series and find it way more nostalgic.

    On a side note, I knew Mario Segale, Nintendo of America’s former landlord and Mario’s namesake. He was a mean son of a bitch and a crooked businessman, so I guess I’m on team Bowser.

  10. Duck Hunt. The NES was already very outdated when I started playing games. I was already used to the Nintendo 64 and Playstation 2. So the 2D platforming of Mario wasn’t anything special to me. However, I really enjoyed playing Duck Hunt because the light gun was something different.

  11. The game i had, had both Duck Hunt and Mario along with 3rd game some sports olympics game if I remember correctly.

  12. Duck Hunt because Mario has been ongoing and evolving. I don’t think I’ve played Duck Hunt in a modern format.

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