firstly, thank you guys for all of the advice you’ve given me on my last post. i’ve been given new perspectives through this subreddit and i’m thankful for that. i slept on it and have more of a clear mind now.

however, a lot of the advice i’ve been given has been contradictory making it hard to really know what to do so i decided to contextualize the situation a bit more.

this isn’t a case of an immediate friendzone, more like a gradual one. before and after the first date she was really into me and started to try and incorporate me into her life more. after the second date is when it all went downhill. i started to tell she wasn’t feeling me anymore, there was much less reciprocating. she told me she has “a lot going on” and that we have a “friendly bond” which i saw right through because it wasn’t always like that. to me this seems less like a case of her not being physically attracted to me but more of me fumbling the second date or not picking up on cues.

i guess my questions are:

after working on myself a bit, do i still have a chance with her? should i ask for another chance in a month/ask her out to prom

do i cut her off and make things awkward even tho i see her everyday and her friends are my friends?

should i ask her the real reason why i messed things up when i see her again in a couple days?

  1. bro in these situations you need to distance yourself and present that you have other options and that you arent bothered. if you want any chance at all you need to show this girl you have value and spark her jealousy. the last thing any girl wants is a guy with no options simping around waiting for a chance. stop moping around thinking you “messed up”, and definitely dont ask her why you “messed up”.

  2. I think you still have a chance with her. But I agree, you’re going to have to step back. You asked already, she answered how she wanted to answer, there’s no need to return to the question. I think most people find it annoying to be asked again a question that you’ve already answered.

    If I were you, I’d still be friendly and flirty when there are chances for that. But I wouldn’t initiate a whole lot and I’d make a point to do things that I really like doing. And then see where things are in a couple of weeks.

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