How much does it matter to you that your guy friends think your girlfriend is good looking?

  1. Can’t say I’ve cared about this (or asked) since high school. If she’s hot to me, that’s all that should matter, right?

  2. I’d like to say it doesn’t matter, but I’ve also never had a gf who they didn’t find pretty so I can’t say for sure.

  3. As with anything. It only matters if it’s extreme.

    It sounds shallow but I don’t want to be pitied when we hang out with friends.

  4. From my experience it doesn’t matter if your friends think they’re attractive, it matters that your friends don’t think they’re UGLY

  5. Irrelevant, since they’d never find the women I’d actually date long term unattractive.

  6. When k first got a girlfriend and showed a friend of picture of her she said she’s gorgeous and it just made me happier that she chose me

  7. I would be offended if they didn’t (and actually said it out loud) but it wouldn’t stop me liking her

  8. A woman I was talking said she thought guys did this, consulted each other about how girls look. I don’t think any of us do.

    I can’t imagine someone going up to their friends and being like “hey do you think that girl I’m seeing is hot?”

    Everyone’s reaction would be “what are you asking us for, you’re the one banging her”

  9. My guy friend wasn’t dating my girlfriend, I was. I couldn’t give a fuck if he thought she was pretty or not.

  10. I’d like to know why so many women seem to think we think like this.

    I think this is another case of women projecting their psychology and values onto men.

    I don’t know a single man who dates for clout, and clout is the only reason someone would care about weather or not other guys think their girlfriend/wife is attractive. Possibly you could say they want to know who might try and steal her from them, but if they have that little trust in them then they wouldn’t be friends.

  11. Like the song says:
    If you want to be happy for the rest of your life,
    Never make a pretty woman your wife,
    If you want to be satisfied your whole days through,
    Pick an ugly girl who will marry you.

    Dunno the next part,
    But she sure can cook!

  12. A lot of the guys in here say they don’t care.. I personally think it’s pretty fun to have the hottest girlfriend at an event.

  13. I think when I was 16-23 it matter much more than it does now that I’m 30. I’m like idc if anyone likes her. I mean I’d actually prefer they didn’t

  14. I love having my wife as arm candy. When we’re both dressed up and she can stun a room….. it’s cool.

    But like…day to day hanging with my friends …would be weird if they brought it up.

  15. Most men don’t care what their friends think about their girlfriend. If you think your friend’s girl is ugly, you don’t say so.

  16. I don’t care unless they’re being insulting about her. In that case we’re likely well on the way to not being friends anymore

  17. I never cared what my friends thought of my girlfriends. What they thought of her was none of MY business.

  18. Doesn’t matter.

    I have heard women doing this and even shame each other or say things like “you can do better”

    And then get mad if someone criticizes them for having preferences

    You literally just criticized someone else’s preferences!

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