What is some advice you wish you were told sooner ?

  1. Don’t trust all farts some of them are dubious.

    Sometimes to be right you have to willfully be wrong.

    Just turn the breakers off for the entire house when doing electrical work. There’s thinking you have the right one off and then there’s coming to know you didn’t.

  2. Take a miserable woman, give her everything she wants, and she will still be miserable but now it’s your fault.

  3. If you’re a man, once your parents die or remove themselves from the picture… Absolutely no one gives a f*ck about you unless you provide a clear transactional benefit to them or you’re a nuisance to them. You have as much relevance as any hypothetical person who was never born in the first place. Your existence or lack thereof makes no difference at all.

  4. There is nothing to gain from being right. Put relationships before ego and just let people be wrong.

  5. People want u to fail. They’ll lie and gaslight u for no reason other than entertainment

  6. Time really does go by much faster the older you get. I’m approaching 40 in a few years and I still can’t believe we are almost halfway through March.

  7. Stop caring what people think about you. Be yourself instead of acting like someone else!

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