I’m contemplating living with my S/O parents and him for a while. This is due to impart with having my parents being emotionally abusive and overbearing. We have a 5 yr relationship my boyfriend and I and his parents love me. What are your thoughts?

  1. If they accept you and they are positive about this idea go for it. But i myself wouldn’t do it as an adult bc you sacrifice privacy

  2. MIL and BIL, no problem. FIL or SIL… serious discussions and time limits will have to happen.

    You situation seems just fine.

  3. If it works for you, then cool!

    I don’t think I’d ever be able to go for that, but it’s never come up as a possibility.

  4. Do it! My parents are also very emotionally abusive and most likely have narcissistic personality disorder. I decided to move in with my bf and his family after being together for a little over 2 years. It’s honestly been really great so far! Things are much more relaxed here and I feel like I can just exist in my own home without doing something wrong. My main struggle has been dealing with the guilt of not seeing my family all the time. The main thing I have to realize though is that it’s understandable that both me and my family would have a hard time with that considering they’ve seen me every day for the last 22 years and they’re used to that and that that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed time away. I feel really guilty for not going over there all the time or at least once a week but sometimes it gets to be a lot and I have other things going on in my life. I’ve also been reminded by numerous people of how often they see their parents after they’ve moved out LOL it’s not that often at all haha anyway my point was that is if you’re feeling guilty about not being over there all the time just remember you don’t have to be and it’s okay to have a life outside of them and youre not obligated to be around all the time.

  5. if they accept you and this is a positive environment then it makes sense. I do caution you to remember that you and you s/o will lose levels of privacy in your relationships as you are under their roof. This will potentially lead to them being open with their opinions on things and certain desires that maybe well meaning but could come off as pressure. This could be as small as how you guys spend money as they idea maybe for your guys to evolve to getting your own place.

  6. If needs must, I guess. I wouldn’t move back in with parents or in laws unless I was incapable of supporting myself or they were and needed me around but that’s just me.

  7. If I was living with my SO I would never, under any circumstance, live with anyone else besides them and our children. I absolutely would never move into my in-laws home. And my in-laws love the hell out of me.

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