Divorced (man) after 11 years. First time on dating apps. Met this girl on one of the dating apps. Seen her 3 times now. We were intimite on all dates.

Not sure if shes just looking for a fix or if she wants more. I dont want to ruin it by being to pushy, she has a very busy work schedule.

How do I make it clear i want to see her a bit more frequent? How many times a week would be considered a normal start to a healthy relationship?

We are both well in our 30’s.

  1. Depending on if either of you have kids/working with custody I typically find one night during the week and once on the weekend is what works for me and my schedule. When my kids aren’t with me and I have a completely free weekend, we’ve spent the weekend together. However, I’m typically not intimate until the 4th or 5th date so the “schedule” didn’t start until after that.

    As far as making it clear and not pushing her away – I think it’s better to be upfront on what you’re looking for, now. Don’t wait because you’re afraid she’ll not want more or is only looking for an fix, unless you’re ok with that. After only 3 dates you don’t know each other super well but you might know that you’d like to see where it will go. I’ve let men know before we’ve had sex that once I cross the intimacy barrier I’m not dating or sleeping with anyone else and I expect the same from the person I’m with – every one has been receptive and onboard with it.

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