My bf (21) and I (25f) have been together for about 6 months and in that time there’s a couple things that’s made me think hes bi although hes never explicitly said. Now I really don’t mind if he is, my ex was too and never had a problem but some of the comments he makes just make me uncomfortable. He always jokes about how he wishes he had a dick to suck or things like “my throat hurts…unfortunately not from sucking dick” and it just makes me feel weird. Like surely these aren’t things you say to your gf who obviously can’t provide these things? Idk what to say, when I replied like “what?” he like just like idk and got funny at me just saying that it’s a joke. Am I overreacting? I don’t want to come across like I’m not okay with him being bi if he is because that’s not the issue. It’s basically the way he’s saying he wants these things sexually that i cant provide him

  1. Bi guy here and this sounds odd if it’s constant. I joke with my wife like this but she’s absolutely expecting it and participating in the dirty talk about it. If it we’re one-sides it would be weird.

  2. I am happily and proudly bi. Out for decades. I wouldn’t use these “jokes”. They’re not funny.

    You need to have a direct conversation about this stuff. It’s going to be uncomfortable. Embrace the discomfort and push through. This sort of thing needs to be addressed.

  3. I sometimes make jokes like that with my wife (not *exactly* like that, but jokes where the “punchline” is something like “maybe I’m actually gay and just figuring it out now.”)

    But it’s only funny because I’m very not gay/bi and she knows that and I know that.

    In your case, he really might be bi.

    Why don’t you ask him?

  4. Maybe he’s trying some weird path to get you to wear a strap-on and use it on him. Next time he makes a similar joke then just stop everything and ask him directly if that’s what he’s trying to accomplish with these weird ‘jokes’. Tell him that all of your straight, bi, and gay friends are all confused as to the intent because no one jokes like this to their gf regardless of orientation.

  5. It is very much possible I am sure.

    Not sure if it is me, but the way you have wrote what he says it almost seems as if he is dropping hints (in a weird way) of what he wants YOU to do to him.

  6. It sounds like he is setting the stage to come out, or suggest something with another guy. Basically testing the waters for your reaction in his own awkward way.

  7. Lol makes you wonder. If that’s what’s floating around his mind often. He’s def thinking about it 🤷🏻‍♂️ makes me think of an old friend. I always thought it was strange how often he would make gay joke or try to make some innuendo

  8. I had this situations with one of my exs who was confirmed bi at the beginning of our relationship. It turned out he was gay which was upsetting, but what can I do. Though don’t go thinking thats the only outcome. Since you don’t know he’s bi after all. You should ask him about that sort of thing. Maybe even bring up the topic of pegging if you’d also be into that sort of thing?

  9. What are your thoughts on pegging. Tell him if he doesn’t stop teasing you like that than you’ll get a strap on and fuck his mouth and ass raw. He will either shut up or May open the door to some new link of his.

  10. Pure speculation here, but is he a somewhat ‘pretty’ guy? As someone who was in that category, I think just about every ex I had told me they had fantasies about seeing me with another guy. So if he’s similar, he may just think you’ll be turned on by it (again, pure speculation).

    Another speculative option could be that he’s orally fixated. I love things in my mouth and also the feeling of being dominated and out of control. So if that’s the case, you wearing a strapon could definitely give him what he’s looking for.

    Or…he could just be bi and scared to fully say it.

  11. I make jokes sort of like that. I was in jail for six months and when i got out i told her “im so horny babe, i havent been laid in 2 months”.

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