Hi guys! I use to be very extroverted and social, but since COVID, I feel like I’ve developed a lot of social anxiety. I feel like I have lost a lot of my social skills and when I’m talking to people, my brain also just freezes and I’m having trouble of thinking. Can anyone relate or have any advice? I feel lonely, but also have next to no desire to socialize because I get so awkward and anxious. TIA

  1. Absolute same exact thing for me! You are not alone. Where did this social anxiety come from?! Idk, maybe being left alone with our thoughts too long during quarantine. What has been really helpful for me is the receptionist at our office is really cool so we bebop around during breaks. It’s helping to get some of those socializing skills back. The conversational awkwardness and anxiety is still there but getting less often. hopefully with more practice and exposure, it’ll get better. We gotta force ourselves out there or else we’ll get even weirder lol.

  2. i honestly feel the same! i kinda feel like i gave up on a lot of connections too and that’s why i feel so lonely all the time. my anxiety definitely got worse too so you’re not alone! i wish i had more advice but hang in there!!

  3. Honestly I was never very social so I can’t relate. My advice would be if you don’t feel like socializing don’t force it. Conversation comes more naturally when you want to have the conversation

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