What goes in the blank?: “___ is the quickest way to my heart”

  1. A playlist that made you think of me! My best friend from middle/high school (I went to a combined one) did that for me. We had mutual friends and were in a creative writing program together. They thought I was really cool so they reached out to me by giving me some burned copies of their favorite albums. I’ll never forget that. I still have all of them.

  2. Homemade goods. Either food, or handmade crafts (like blankets or socks or a painted rock or whatever). I just really appreciate the time and effort that goes into creating something yourself.

  3. These days it is if you can teach me about something.


    In general – kind, smiling eyes get me

  4. Well quickest would probably be tequila lmao 🤣

    In all seriousness though….anything outdoorsy, spontaneous

  5. Conversation and sexy talk and the f word. loll.
    Unless you’re against that.

  6. Between my fourth and fifth ribs.

    Or mac & cheese.

    I suppose which depends on whether you’re trying to perform some sort of sick ritual with my body parts or make me love you.

  7. Watching someone nerd out over something special to them.

    This is my favorite thing to see in people. It’s the quickest way to my heart in every kind of relationship. It makes me feel special when they can trust me enough to go on about their favorite thing that others might ridicule them for. This is how I make friends/feel close to people.

  8. Taking care of me is the way to my heart

    Sometimes my husband tucks me into bed and rubs my back till I fall asleep and it makes me feel so loved

  9. Humble intelligence.

    (I find braininess very attractive, but as soon as someone is self-aggrandizing, I want to punt them far away from me)

  10. Getting along with my family, especially my younger cousins or just being good with kids. Or even having a good relationship with your family.

    I.e. if I was on a first date with someone and a kid ran up to us crying and asking for their parents, and the person I’m with immediately picks up the kids and helps the kid look for the parents, I would instantly melt.

    If the person I’m with has a good relationship with various members of their family or mine, then I’d know they’re a good person or a likeable person anyway.

    Honestly, being a decent human being could go in the blank for me as well.

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