Title. It’s starting to dawn on me that I am the propeller of 90% of the interactions I have with others. And listen, it’s cool for a while. But it’s starting to get to me that these people don’t want to invite me to places, yet I invite them.

Am I being unreasonable? Should I start distancing myself from people that don’t seem to care about me?

Edit: I know that if I do this it’ll probably just make me really lonely. But maybe that’s better than constantly dealing with people who don’t take a genuine interest in me? Idk man. . .

  1. Some questions: what’s the age range of your friends group? When you invite people to go places are they immediately excited/interested or do you have to talk them into it? Do you have to do all the follow up or remind them of your plans or do they contribute to the follow up as well? Do you know these people are going places and doing things without you or do they normally just keep to themselves?

  2. One thing you can try before cutting them off would be to tell them. Just say that you feel that you always initiate, but they never invite you. Tell them that that makes you feel not part of the group. Depending on their reaction, you can decide what you wanna do. If they start inviting you, great. If they dont, fine too. Time to get new friends I’d say

  3. Depends on your social standing. If you are a local prince or otherwise important, and a history of being socially effusive, this would be strange and unreasonable. If you’re weird, strange, unpopular, it becomes simple life of normal people. Everyone wants to party with cool inclusive uplifting ppl but not every party attracts those ppl.

    You don’t describe why ppl don’t want to invite you. Usually that’s because you don’t fit the vibe, if you feel you fit the vibes but don’t get invites than that’s your puzzle u gotta solve.

  4. I don’t think so. I think you need to this at least once in your life. Take a good look around and those that bring nothing to the table cut off

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