Feel like I should know what to do but I don’t so here for advice

My ex and I ended things after 2 years of dating. We graduated college at the same time and where I was ready to work towards my goals, she felt like she wanted to take time to just live before she started her “adult job” and “adult life.”(I know it’s hard to believe but she’s not like other girls, she basically just traveled around alone and did lots of things on her bucket list.)

She had never dated or hooked up with anyone prior to me and neither had I. Although it hurt, I understood how she was feeling and kind of saw it as a test for “if it’s meant to be it’ll be”

Being the kind of people we are, we never reached out to each other and honestly, with her being the one that technically wanted to end things, I told myself I’d never reach out and if she truly loved me the way I loved her, she would be the one to reach out.

A year and a half passed and she reached out. Although it’s been some time, it’s weird but it’s almost as though we kind of just picked it up where we had left it off.

She’s at a place in life now where she wants to achieve her goals and isn’t confused about what she wants. I truly think and feel like this “test” shows that we are meant to be.

We’ve been taking it slow because we’re weird and have this idea of being respectful of each other and letting things kind of unfold on their own but I know she is committed to us, as I am too.

My question is, how do I go about asking her to be my girlfriend? Do I even have to ask her?
We’re definitely at that point and truthfully, I can say that if I don’t she would be okay with it but I just keep thinking about it and find myself asking if I should ask her or if I shouldn’t because it already feels as though she’s my girlfriend.

Any advice is much appreciated!

1 comment
  1. I’m not sure about the how, but you definitely do need to ask her to be your girlfriend and not make assumptions about the relationship.

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